(no subject)

Dec 21, 2006 19:20

On the twelfth day of Christmas, lanaoceanid sent to me...

Twelve ncis singing
Eleven ragdolls writing
Ten crossovers a-drawing
Nine clois costuming
Eight rpgs a-reenacting
Seven comics a-traveling
Six movies a-nightwing
Five dc co-o-o-omics
Four teen titans
Three luminous retinas
Two star wars
...and a fanfic in a 19th century.

Haha. Luminous retnas.

I FINALY found my old comic collection. 12 issues of Gotham Adventures, including the one where Bats is poisoned by a villan and Tim has to inlist the help of Poison Ivy to find the antidote and he solves the case on his own. And the one where Bats saves a baby from a bunch of russian maffia guys and the CIA and goes around Gotham carrying the baby. He stops some thugs with the line "You know who I am. You know what I can do. But I am carying a small child and heaven help you if it's injured" and all the thugs start putting down their weapons, then give Bats tips on how to old a baby. Also, 12 issues of Batman Beyond, a hilarous Six Flags exclusive with Comicverse Batman and Tim!Robin investigating riddles at a sixflags park. Hilarious cause of the suck, not the good. Also, Star Wars: Union (where Luke and Mara get hitched) a bunch of Pokemon and a bunch of Gundam Wing.

So, wednesday has come and gone. Not much came out this week.

Teen Titans #42 - This was a filler issue between the Titans 'Round the World arc and the Titans East arc. It gives some very importnant back story on Kid Devil's new powers and how he aquired him. Very interesting. The time line on stuff confused me though, I always got the impression that Kid Devil was younger than Robin and Wondergirl the couple of times he showed up on Young Justice, but apparently he's Jason Todd's age.

I will pay money to see a comic with Kid Devil and Red Hood teaming up. I will seriously pay. Hell, I'll pay money to see a *fanfic*.

Recap: Aparently, Kid Devil decided he still wanted to do the hero thing, tried out for the Titans during 52 and realised he was the only powerless person there, went to apply for the Everyman project at Lexcorp and was turned down for "mental issues". He was then visited by a demon who gave him a demon summoning candle. He went to see Zatara, who he met at the Titans try out, and lit the candle, sending him and Zatara to Hell and before the throne of Neron, the wishgiver. Neron agreed to give KD power, with the stipulaion that if KD were to ever lose is faith in Blue Devil, then KD would have to go to Hell on his 20th birthday to become Neron's apprentice/lacky. KD said he'd never loose faith in his hero, so he agreed. Neron turned him into a demon, then told him that Blue Devil was responsible for KD's aunt's death. KD didnt believe him, went back to earth and used his new powers to track down Blue Devil. He fought some demons with BD, then asked if what Neron said was true. BD admitted it was, and KD realised he no longer trusted BD, he'd lost his faith. So now he's 18, a titan, and has 2 years before his card's up. But instead of angsting over it, he's going to put on a brave face and not let anyone know. Lucky for him, he's on the team that's fought Trigon for Raven twice. I'm sure they wont mind fighting Neron for KD.

Next month: Titans East! SQUEEEEEE INERTA! And we get to find out why Match is all bizzaro.

52 week 33: This issue made me very happy. It was all around good. It had Drunk!Ralph and the Nightwing that is teaming up with BW is so most definantly Jason. I dont think Question will live to see the new year. Kate and Renee kissed. The Black Addam Family depowered infront of the UN building with the Society and the Titans in the audience to prove that they had changed and were better people, willing to show their weeknesses. Beast Boy looked really suprised to see that the vibrant, happy Osiris is Crippie McCrippleson. I want Osiris and the crocodile to have their own adventures. Incidently, Black Adam has really sexy abs. Teehee.. they signed it "From Teth-Adam, Adrianna, & Amon". I wish they could have picked a more Arabic name for Isis... She's Egyptian, for heaven sake. Aliya or Aisha or something. Adrianna is freaking LATIN.

Justice Leauge of America #4: To be honest, I didnt actualy read this issue yet. Just the bits with Roy, Hal, and Dinah. Dinah is a badass. Remind me why they're having her quit the birds to raise a crazy assassin kid? Doesnt Roy prove that you can raise a happy kid and be a superhero at the same time? I'll read it tomorrow. Maybe.

Year One: Batman/Scarecrow: Since so little came out this week, I went back today (thursday) to get more. I'd seen someone with this uber cute icon of Robin hugging on Batman's arm. I remember someone asking the person where they got the icon and the person replying that it came from Scarecrow Year One. After a quick net search, I saw that the book they meant was a two part prestege series that came out may of 05. I found it in Titan Comic's splendiferous back issues section (Which takes up 75% of the store). I read through the first book during lunch today and will read the second tomorrow.

Oh. My. God. The art.. THE ART. DICK! DICKDICKDICKDICKDICK! SO CUTE! SO FREAKING CUTE! I'll post scans this weekend. Might put it up on fullscans_daily but it's really long, so maybe just the scene with Dick sitting upside down in the sunken pit sofa whining to Bruce about the case they're on. Het, I will be bringing this to Boston. It's full of win.

For the past 2 days, I've completed all my work by 10:30. Around then the Mail comes and I can squeeze another hour out of opening the mail and adding up the checks. What this means is that by 12 I have nothing to do. If I can strech the mail out to 1 (my lunch time) then I can go to lunch and come back at 2 and hopefuly someone would have put something in my inbox. Today, no such luck. From 2 to 5 I had nothing to do. I doodled, played with a game in a orbits popup, chatted breifly with Heather, and cursed the world. It isnt that I dont have work, I have this page long list of things to do everyday, I just do it fast, I guess. Then, once I'm done, I cant read or surf the net because the way my desk is positioned, my back is to most of the office, they can see over my shoulder to my computer and I cant see when they are standing behind me. My cube only has half walls so I have no privacy. It. Suxors.

meme, comic rant

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