The background is going much better thanks to the help of
eowyna. It's also not bothering my eyes as much. It makes me sad to think how much time I wasted on the other attempts, but I will focus on the positive (very unlike me). I have really only been working on this because I am very burnt out on sewing for some reason. I have lots of things floating around in my head but no desire to actually work on them. Hopefully that will last until I can get the house all cleaned up.
Now if only my POF 4 book will show up. The estimated delivery was yesterday, but I would really like to have it to look at since people keep referring to it.
These pics are a few days old so I have made a bit more progress since they were taken.
and too see how shiny it is...
It's a little blurry, but you get the effect.
Brian and I are going to Fall Crown this weekend so hopefully we will have a good time!