Yeah, that sounds like Demon in My View. Not her best work, in my opinion. The books she's releasing now are a MILLION times better than the first three (I like the 4th book, but because I really like the more mature series that a lot of characters made their debut in when she was writing them. They're not published yet.)
So if you check out any, check out Hawksong and Snakecharm (comes out Sept 28th I believe.)
Well, as I work with her at the pet shop, talk to her online constantly, and meet for breakfast tomorrow morning, I will definately be telling her soon ^_^
I'd love a set! Then whenif I hear back positively from the publisher one of my novels is out with currently, I can repay you with copies of mine. Like book swapping. Cant guarentee that'll be any time soon or even any time this century, though ^_~
As per being bitchy, hey, how were you to know I wasn't some 12 yr old, wanna-be writer who was mad because someone else stole my "bit" of being a young writer, and hadnt read your books but thought you sucked anyway because of course- if you're published- you MUST suck... Yeah, I've heard it all from Amy. It's really amusing to see some of the letters she gets (we opened a bag of fanmail last November... oy!) "Dear Amelia, I'm writing a novel. It's already 200 chapters long and yet somehow I've only written 3 pages of it so far. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'm your new competition. And I love your books. Send me an autographed copy!" and no SASE for reply. Mm, fun.
Anyway, you had every right to assume I was stupid. I assume the random people who already have started contacting ME (me! I'm not published! Leave me alone!) are all stupid and can't write until they prove to me otherwise. ::grin:: Saves time and energy trying to get through that grueling first chapter where you get way more background info than you EVER needed on this person who isn't even your protagonist but your protagonist's best friend. ::dies::
Yeah... I'm a big content editor, by the way. ^_^ More fun that grammar and spelling editing, especially since I sometimes suck at those.
All right, have to go treat the poison oak spreading on my leg. ::whimpers:: Talk to you soon.
I'll definitely have to check out her new stuff then--and yes, we can book swap, that sounds like fun! *grin* That's what paranoidkitten and I do. Speaking of, I owe her a set, too...hmm...
And yeah, exactly, I'm glad you understand :o) Some of the people who started commenting on my LJ way back when were, to say the least, rude as sin, and some of the emails I got...oy. I was actually quite glad when my computer crashed back in February, if only for the fact that I lost all of those emails. It wasn't very nice. I get some fanmail--not bags *grin*--and most of it's nice, but yeah...has Amy ever had someone actually send her an entire manuscript before insisting they read it? I'm sure she has--I've had some people do that to me. I can only imagine what she has to sift through sometimes.
If she's up to it, ask her if she'll email me sometime (or, if she has AIM, IM me--xPOLMEx, You too, for that matter! Do you have AIM?). I love to talk to writers who actually know what they're doing (Christopher Paolini does not in any way, shape, or form, COUNT. *grumbles* I have a rant all ready to go in the LJ when I finish Eragon).
Aww, poison oak? That really sucks. >.< Hope your leg feels better!
"Anti-fans" as they've dubbed themselves ( used to be an anti-site, has turned over to a semi-fan site) can be absolutely hideous sometimes in their endeavors. I had a nasty one myself once who posted on my message board, talking about how since I write about vampires (he couldn't seem to understand: I WROTE about vampires; haven't touched them in not long enough), anyway, how I write about vampires and so must be a fat goth-girl who thinks she's so hot in corsets, how I had no education (had to drop out for financial reasons), how I was going to be on welfare with three kids and he didn't want to "support [my] lazy ass", how I ate oreos and twinkies all day long, and how I was never going to get anywhere with writing because, duh, I suck.
He was a lot of fun to deal with. ::groan:: My friends and fans "came to my rescue" to defend me, but he disappeared once I stepped in. But I didn't really didn't want to deal with him, but he was getting really rude. Regardless, he went away.
Anti-people are so tough to deal with because they make you think such negative things about your work and yourself. The worst is that I've never met an Anti-fan of MINE that has read my work. And most of Amy's anti-fans have read one of her books.
>>has Amy ever had someone actually send her an entire manuscript before insisting they read it?<<
::big giant nod:: Luckily I don't think any of them were too sizeable. I get hounded a lot too, because I do offer advice and to read, but my rules are: no vampires, no partial manuscripts, and no rough drafts. Edited first drafts, ok, but I don't want to be adding in the punctuation and end quotes myself every few lines.
Amy gets a ton of "will you plz read 4 me?" from people who had like a 5 pages. But she has this great form letter that usually makes them all go away because of how strict she is with her rules for submitting a piece. I find I get more people willing to just assume I'll read for them, so often I find unsolicited attachments in my email. Fuuuun.
>>If she's up to it, ask her if she'll email me sometime<<
I'll pass that info on when I see her online (I'll probably mispell your AIM name in person ^_^ ) I'm online CONSTANTLY. So feel free to IM me some time (CadeaCeil) She's really busy with editing the third book in the Keisha'ra Series, Falcondance, to get back to her editor for the end of the month, and then is back to school, so I can make no guarantees for when she'll IM you. But hopefully sooner rather than later.
>>I love to talk to writers who actually know what they're doing (Christopher Paolini does not in any way, shape, or form, COUNT. *grumbles* I have a rant all ready to go in the LJ when I finish Eragon).<<
Ugh! I hated that book. I sat down in Borders one day and picked it up, back when it was really new, and no hype yet. I read a good chunk- like more than 100 pages- and it was SUCH an easy read that I completely understand why so many younger children are reading it anything that gets them to read is a plus!) But the writing was so simple, the story was Star Wars spliced with LOTR and every other fantasy novel, and I just can't believe that so many people are hailing it as the greatest thing in the world. ADULTS EVEN! I think Christopher Paolini put a lot of hard work into promoting his book and getting it out there and he deserves to reap the rewards of being published, but the hype is disgusting. He got a lucky break. Just as Amy got a lucky break. His hard work is admirable; his book is 5th grade reading level.
I seem to recall you... met him? At some convention? I imagine that living at home like a hermit all ones life surrounded by your family, you can't know too much about the art and craft of writing. I wish he'd written a few more stories before publishing Eragon, because you can see the glimmers of hope in there.
>>Hope your leg feels better!
Doing a bit better today, thanks. ^_^ But the bruising is really aggrivating! heh
So if you check out any, check out Hawksong and Snakecharm (comes out Sept 28th I believe.)
Well, as I work with her at the pet shop, talk to her online constantly, and meet for breakfast tomorrow morning, I will definately be telling her soon ^_^
I'd love a set! Then whenif I hear back positively from the publisher one of my novels is out with currently, I can repay you with copies of mine. Like book swapping. Cant guarentee that'll be any time soon or even any time this century, though ^_~
As per being bitchy, hey, how were you to know I wasn't some 12 yr old, wanna-be writer who was mad because someone else stole my "bit" of being a young writer, and hadnt read your books but thought you sucked anyway because of course- if you're published- you MUST suck... Yeah, I've heard it all from Amy. It's really amusing to see some of the letters she gets (we opened a bag of fanmail last November... oy!) "Dear Amelia, I'm writing a novel. It's already 200 chapters long and yet somehow I've only written 3 pages of it so far. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'm your new competition. And I love your books. Send me an autographed copy!" and no SASE for reply. Mm, fun.
Anyway, you had every right to assume I was stupid. I assume the random people who already have started contacting ME (me! I'm not published! Leave me alone!) are all stupid and can't write until they prove to me otherwise. ::grin:: Saves time and energy trying to get through that grueling first chapter where you get way more background info than you EVER needed on this person who isn't even your protagonist but your protagonist's best friend. ::dies::
Yeah... I'm a big content editor, by the way. ^_^ More fun that grammar and spelling editing, especially since I sometimes suck at those.
All right, have to go treat the poison oak spreading on my leg. ::whimpers:: Talk to you soon.
And yeah, exactly, I'm glad you understand :o) Some of the people who started commenting on my LJ way back when were, to say the least, rude as sin, and some of the emails I got...oy. I was actually quite glad when my computer crashed back in February, if only for the fact that I lost all of those emails. It wasn't very nice. I get some fanmail--not bags *grin*--and most of it's nice, but yeah...has Amy ever had someone actually send her an entire manuscript before insisting they read it? I'm sure she has--I've had some people do that to me. I can only imagine what she has to sift through sometimes.
If she's up to it, ask her if she'll email me sometime (or, if she has AIM, IM me--xPOLMEx, You too, for that matter! Do you have AIM?). I love to talk to writers who actually know what they're doing (Christopher Paolini does not in any way, shape, or form, COUNT. *grumbles* I have a rant all ready to go in the LJ when I finish Eragon).
Aww, poison oak? That really sucks. >.< Hope your leg feels better!
"Anti-fans" as they've dubbed themselves ( used to be an anti-site, has turned over to a semi-fan site) can be absolutely hideous sometimes in their endeavors. I had a nasty one myself once who posted on my message board, talking about how since I write about vampires (he couldn't seem to understand: I WROTE about vampires; haven't touched them in not long enough), anyway, how I write about vampires and so must be a fat goth-girl who thinks she's so hot in corsets, how I had no education (had to drop out for financial reasons), how I was going to be on welfare with three kids and he didn't want to "support [my] lazy ass", how I ate oreos and twinkies all day long, and how I was never going to get anywhere with writing because, duh, I suck.
He was a lot of fun to deal with. ::groan:: My friends and fans "came to my rescue" to defend me, but he disappeared once I stepped in. But I didn't really didn't want to deal with him, but he was getting really rude. Regardless, he went away.
Anti-people are so tough to deal with because they make you think such negative things about your work and yourself. The worst is that I've never met an Anti-fan of MINE that has read my work. And most of Amy's anti-fans have read one of her books.
>>has Amy ever had someone actually send her an entire manuscript before insisting they read it?<<
::big giant nod:: Luckily I don't think any of them were too sizeable. I get hounded a lot too, because I do offer advice and to read, but my rules are: no vampires, no partial manuscripts, and no rough drafts. Edited first drafts, ok, but I don't want to be adding in the punctuation and end quotes myself every few lines.
Amy gets a ton of "will you plz read 4 me?" from people who had like a 5 pages. But she has this great form letter that usually makes them all go away because of how strict she is with her rules for submitting a piece. I find I get more people willing to just assume I'll read for them, so often I find unsolicited attachments in my email. Fuuuun.
>>If she's up to it, ask her if she'll email me sometime<<
I'll pass that info on when I see her online (I'll probably mispell your AIM name in person ^_^ ) I'm online CONSTANTLY. So feel free to IM me some time (CadeaCeil) She's really busy with editing the third book in the Keisha'ra Series, Falcondance, to get back to her editor for the end of the month, and then is back to school, so I can make no guarantees for when she'll IM you. But hopefully sooner rather than later.
>>I love to talk to writers who actually know what they're doing (Christopher Paolini does not in any way, shape, or form, COUNT. *grumbles* I have a rant all ready to go in the LJ when I finish Eragon).<<
Ugh! I hated that book. I sat down in Borders one day and picked it up, back when it was really new, and no hype yet. I read a good chunk- like more than 100 pages- and it was SUCH an easy read that I completely understand why so many younger children are reading it anything that gets them to read is a plus!) But the writing was so simple, the story was Star Wars spliced with LOTR and every other fantasy novel, and I just can't believe that so many people are hailing it as the greatest thing in the world. ADULTS EVEN! I think Christopher Paolini put a lot of hard work into promoting his book and getting it out there and he deserves to reap the rewards of being published, but the hype is disgusting. He got a lucky break. Just as Amy got a lucky break. His hard work is admirable; his book is 5th grade reading level.
I seem to recall you... met him? At some convention? I imagine that living at home like a hermit all ones life surrounded by your family, you can't know too much about the art and craft of writing. I wish he'd written a few more stories before publishing Eragon, because you can see the glimmers of hope in there.
>>Hope your leg feels better!
Doing a bit better today, thanks. ^_^ But the bruising is really aggrivating! heh
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