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Super Tuesday, February 5.
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this is a very simple way to check your status. it's completely confidential, and it will also allow you to forward to others so that they may be sure they are registered.
make no mistake. the same issues we've had with past elections, we will still face: voter suppression, dodgy "new technologically advanced" electronic machines... the Republicans will do what they can to remain in power and keep things status quo.
the only way to ensure your voice is heard is to make sure the candidate which represents the issues most important to YOU is endorsed as the primary candidate for Dem or Reps (or if you're going with an Independent or Green Party or Libertarian or whatever).
you can't do that if you're not registered.
don't believe you have no say in what happens to you. it's our country. together, we share this place with hundreds of cultures/nationalities/religious denominations/sexual orientations.
we live together. isn't it time we learned to govern together, too? c'mon y'all, step into the new millennium. impotent outrage is so 1990s.
apathy never got anything done. it's all about Action, yes?
i think so too.
PS: me & B will be in Nevada the weekend of 19 Jan 08 grass rooting for Senator Obama for the Caucus/Primary. anyone wanting to carpool / share a motel room (i promise to behave!), hit me up.
Grassroots, in case you didn't know? equals broke mofos banding together for a common cause. people are sleeping on couches, floors and in tents. nothing glamorous at all about this. won't be no Oprah's handing you champagne flutes, won't be no Kerry's pounding you on your back. no planned lunches or paid for dinners.
it's not a party; it's work. it's commitment. we'll be walking, talking, phoning, harassing and basically doing our best to combat the bullshit idea that it's impossible to get Senator Obama elected. try to forget about how many magazine covers on which you've seen him; nevermind about Tonight Show or The Daily Show appearances. don't focus on the fact that he's African American and he's running dead heat against a woman. that's superficial stuff.
i believe what's most important, is that the Senator has real ideas about the future of our government and our society. he has detailed plans. (most of which i actually agree with!) a rare politician, indeed. again, i encourage you to read his books, check out his website, and find out for yourself if he looks like someone viable to you.
also remember! the Senator has refused to accept money from PACS & Lobbyists.
that means every dime invested in his campaign comes from us, not oil companies, not pharmaceutical companies. five bucks, ten bucks, one buck, or two -- remember this election isn't about celebrity or personality. it's about YOU.
so. ignore the propaganda, do your research and figure out what you want.
then go out there and
but first?
register to vote.<--- that's Register To Vote dot Com (
post marked by 22 January 08, you guys.
hop to it!