i'ma go ahead and type out what i should have added in my earlier post.
i FINALLY got hired at the Library. 50/11 months after i applied, i get a call that tells me that if i want the job it's mine. (ha, take THAT, Hilary. no dusty notes for me, i got a personal call to let me know that if my partly unemployed ass was still interested in a gub'ment job applied for eons ago, i can have it. nyah nyah!)
i'm gonna be around BOOKS!!!! (and lots of screaming kids with nannies) but i am so stoked.
Head Librarian Dude took great pleasure in informing me that i was number TWO. like, "yeah, the one we REALLY wanted turned out to be a hot mess, so, yeah. we're settling for you."
thanks, boss. thank you ever so much.
i don't know how my back being all wacked out is going to affect my performance, but i figure eventually i'll get used to living/working with the pain.
lovecraftienne's posts about how she manages to live a fairly robust life with her own pain has given me SO much courage and faith that it isn't the end of the world, and it's okay to step off the damned pity pot.
i'm going to buy myself a Thumper massager. i want the professional grade one, but i figure i'll start with the hand held one, and if it actually offers some relief, i'll move up. i think i have great posture, but i'm not so sure i maintain it very well when sitting, so i'm going to get one of those posture back brace thingees and walk around looking even more nutty than normal. i'm going to buy a heating pad, and maybe a cold press, too. and i swear, i swear, i SWEAR i'm going to start exercising. more than just the walking thing. i've had my eye on a stationary reclining bike for about 6 months, and i figure what better way to build up core strength than sitting on my ass in front of some porn and pedaling my way into weight loss? i wanna give that Windsor Pilates thing a shot, too, but jesus, one thing at a time. i can't turn into Jane Fonda over night!
someone has also suggested that i lower my alcohol intake. in fact, several someones have suggested it. all those someones can bite my natural, fat black ass.
i know i have to do something, though. and i hope my plans actually work to some degree. i can handle a lot of stress, but stress + pain = one very wigged out woman.
i lost my ID at the beach on Saturday. i know this, because i seem to recall watching it bounce away from my bra (yes, i keep my ID in my bra, DUH, don't you??!) as Sean and i tumbled our way down the sandy embankment to where the rest of the party was.
yes, there was a path.
no, i didn't see it. i was holding on to the back of Sean's shorts, you see. i'm wont to hold on to the backs of peoples' clothing when i'm fall down drunk so that they may lead me to wherever the hell we're going safely. of course, this only works if the person who is doing the leading is not fall down drunk, her/himself.
yes, we were the subject of much laughter. and it's still funny.
but the loss of my ID is not.
i have no choice now but to go and get my California Driver's License. i finally cleared up all that mess in Atlanta, like, three months ago, so there's really no reason for my procrastination.
but when has there ever been a reason to procrastinate? i think that's the whole point of procrastination.
isn't it?
these are the important questions.
i read my first Elmore Leonard book. Out of Sight. it was much better than i expected. i can't say i'm a fan, yet, but i'll check out more of his stuff. Maeve Binchy's latest book is rather dark, but it's fabulous as always. i am now trying to plow through an "Oprah Book Club" recommendation. She's Come Undone. it sounds trite, and something She would recommend, which means i should run screaming in the other direction, but for some reason i want to try it.
Luanne Rice has just made it to the status of "people i want to write like". i didn't know she'd done so many books! i think the rest of the year will be me catching up on the Rice books i've missed, getting the lastest Hobb & Marillier, finally finishing the Left Behind series, maybe trying out some more Leonard and gee, i dunno, possibly finishing a manuscript of my own?
stranger things have happened.
i also have this strange inclination to read Moby Dick.
do not ask me why.