i used to do Friday Fives all the time. how come i stopped?
Potty Mouth
1. Do you curse/swear or otherwise use curse/swear words?
lol. i love questions like this. moi? be profane? NEVAH. actually, i have always considered profanity to be a lost art. it can be offensive, it can be expressive, i mean really, the words are so versatile. i've heard it said that using profanity indicates a less than adequate vocabulary, but really. who the fuck cares what "they" say?
2. Do you substitute faux curse words, like shoot or crap, for the real thing?
abbbbbbbbbsolutely. back when i respected my elders, i'd do the courteous thing, ha, and say 'frick frack', or 'datgummit' (Annie!) or my favorite 'skinna sprinna', which i have no clue what i was using it as a substitute for, but still say to this day. oh yes and 'jam' for 'damn'.
"how you doin'?"
"i'm doin' JAM good."
corny, yes. but as a child, what can you do.
3. Which curse words and phrases do you abuse most often?
'goddamn' is my all time favorite, followed closely by the heavenly 'FUCK'. 'hell' is good, too, but not quite as shocking as it used to be, and so therefore rests low on le totem pole of profanity.
4. Are you annoyed or pleased when you hear movies, songs, or shows that have been edited to cover or replace inappropriate language?
okay look. profanity is a lost art, i can't stress that enough. that means that it must be used with at least a modicum of talent. there are fools who curse just for the sake of cursing, rappers who will curse just because it helps a rhyme, scripts that will be SO unimaginative with their bullshit lines that they may as well have just used non-offensive language. in those cases, i don't mind at all the bleeping or editing or whatever. but in classic cases?
"yippee kay-ay, motherfucker!" - Die Hard
"i'm too old for this shit." - Lethal Weapon
"you tiny, worm-like, infinitessimal prick." - War of The Roses
"Sam! you foxy bitch!" - The Long Kiss Goodnight
"you got knocked the fuck out!" - Friday
there are others, but you catch my drift. messing with gems like that is the equivalent of sacrilege if you ask me. ha. sacrilege against profanity. gotta love me.
5a. What are your thoughts on the use of curses and swear words in modern society?
depends. kids who're swearing up a storm just because they can and there isn't anyone around to check them annoy the hell out of me. adults who're in public and swear up a storm, loudly and insistently are annoying because they're just assholes. (unless it's me, of course. in which case, it's totally okay.) one should never be profane in front of conservative grandparents (because they're old enough to have earned at least the pretense of respect), noble people of spirit like Bishop Tutu or Mother Teresa (because nobility tends to make my profane ass feel about 2 inches tall), or Jesus. because really. are you honestly gonna say "Jesus Fucking CHRIST" to Jesus himself? that would just be wrong.
5b. Is it more or less prevalent than in previous generations?
mmmm, i learned to cuss from my Mom, who, along with her sisters, brothers and cousins swore with relish around everyone except the aforementioned. i suspect this was because their own parents were so strict what with most of them having converted to Islam, and before that they were all devout southern Christians who totally bought in to the whole "profanity is just unnecessary, and downright ugly" philosophy. my generation seems to be even more openly vulgar, with less reservations about how they use profanity and to whom they direct it. i like cursing, but i rarely-- if ever, now that i think about it-- direct a serious slur to someone's face. (because i can't fight to save my life and calling some dude a cocksucking whore seems like a good way to buy me an adult sized ass whooping.) now. for the kids who've come and are coming after me? those are just some retarded fools and i totally give up on them. the world has just gone to hell. ha. i weep for the future, dude. and i accept absolutely no responsibility for my contribution to their retardation.
5c. Is it fine or causing irreparable harm to our culture?
people acting out of anger and frustration and going out to purchase firearms to use on other angry and frustrated people = harm. people letting loose a string of expletives because some motherfucking son of a bitch cut them off on the 405 = okay.
5d. Do you think we should create (or in some cases keep) laws forbidding cursing?
give me a fucking break. we got laws that tell women if it is or isn't okay to have a baby. laws to tell us if it is or isn't okay to vote. laws that say if it is or isn't okay to get married. i think our judicial system is jacked enough. let's not add lawsuits of "she called me a bitch and i want compensation, or else put her ass in jail!" to the docket. i mean, please. America, let's not bounce our reality checks anymore, all right?
on the other hand, i'd like all racial slurs stricken from the record. because they really are just ugly and are completely unnecessary. really. 'cause i friggin' said so.
dang. did i honestly just type all this out about cussing? i amaze myself with my capacity for bullshit.