ok, i've ignored the Mikey fans for too long. i had this whole, anti-Mike fan stuff going, because i'm a snob. i admit it. plus, too. so many of his fans are like, 12 years old, now. i can't deal. but, MJJ Source is gone now, and... i just miss him. and so. i um, i went looking for communities. i gave in. i found one. i'm joining it. because... i.found.this.:
Each week over a 5 month period Sony BMG will release 20 of Michael Jackson’s greatest singles. Each single will be issued as a Dual Disc allowing not only his most popular singles to be collected but also their accompanying videos.
This new technology allowing CD and DVD content on one disc is the perfect medium for an artist whose music, videos and love of innovation is renowned. In yet another landmark in Michael’s career he will become the first performer EVER to release a single on Dual Disc.
1.) - Michael Jackson worked on the VISIONARY project as Executive Producer, giving final approval on the music & video editing and even packaging design
2.) - The first CD single is released with the collector's Box on January 23rd (United Kingdom)
3.) - The singles will be chart eligible in the United Kingdom
4.) - Each single is a Dual Disc - featuring a standard CD format on one side and a DVD format on the other
5.) - When all 20 CD singles are combined, they form a giant single image of Michael
i know that i just said that i didn't want another greatest hits bullshit thingee to come out. i know that i just said that. but Michael never listens to me, and it's a good thing, too, because i didn't know what the fuck i was talking about. the release date has been pushed back to Feb, and it'll prolly be pushed back a few more times, because that's just how it is with my boy. but i'm loving the fact that no matter how much they try, Sony can't get rid of Michael, and for all of their half assed maneuvers, he counters brilliantly. might take a minute to see it, but he's always working. and he's still fucking with them as only he can. owning half of a company will do that to you, Sony, you fuckers. don't tell me my man ain't no genius. my pride for him knows no bounds at all. none. i bet, before it's over, someone will accuse him of having yet another bout of megalomania instead of acknowledging that he is just a damned good businessman, and always has been, and always will be. hell. i can't even think straight, i'm so psyched. excited does not even begin to describe. i need UK friends. what happened to all of my UK friends? damn you, Colin, for disappearing from the face of the earth.