Jun 03, 2009 22:08
Well not a real bike, but back on the IVF bike.
I had a full year of treatment last year (with the same donor as Adam), but after four unsuccessful cycles, the final ending in an early miscarriage, we ran out of available samples (straws). This year we started again with a new donor. I have now gone through two (easy) IUI cycles, the second of which was completed (unsuccessful) on Monday. I was lucky enough to get my follow-up appointment for Tuesday (almost unheard of), at which time we discussed the possibility of either doing another IUI or going for full IVF (expensive, long and stressful). I have made the decision to try for one more IUI cycle.
This cycle will be different to the other ones I have been through, as firstly it is a back to back cycle, and secondly I am on a very low level hormone injection cycle (which means that I have to give myself an injection every day). There is a very high chance of multiples with this type of cycle, but given that I have now been trying for over a year for one more bub, I won't say no to two (or three - although I don't fancy having to buy a new car). I am praying hard that whatever happens that it will be the right thing for myself and my family.
The rest of this year is looking to be a good one for my parents (and siblings), starting with my sister's wedding in early September, one of my cousins having a baby about the same time, and my other sister expecting her first baby in November. Mum is over the moon she will have three "new" babies this year, (and hopefully more in the new year).