Jul 02, 2007 16:55
Last week I noticed that Adam had sort of got himself into a routine. The only part I was controlling was the bedtime routine (bath/feed/sleep). But last Friday night screwed it up completely.
We went to my parents for family dinner (as we do every two weeks). Adam went to sleep at 7pm (as he usually does), but then woke up 40 minutes later and decided it was time to be up. Since then I have not had a good time with him. His nights have been screwwy (with him waking at 3am and deciding that is UP time), and his day sleeps are out of wack (no longer 9am (40 min), 12pm (40 min), 2pm (2 hours)).
I don't blame my family (even if I want to), but the only way for me to get around the disruption would be for me to have everyone here (and my table does not seat 10 (my brother has a girlfriend at the moment)).
Yesterday was the worst with Adam not going down for his afternoon nap, and because he was over-tired screaming for 2 hours, although he did go to sleep a little early (6.30pm not 7pm), but the night was awful as well (with him waking screaming at 12.30pm (after already waking at 10.30pm), I ended up having to take him to bed with me at 3.30am (when he decided it was play-time).
Today was not too bad, he went for his first nap at 11.00am, his second at 2pm and his third at 3.30pm (and he hasn't woken yet (it's 5pm). I'm hoping that he has sorted himself out now and will sleep well tonight.