Last entry 65 weeks ago

Mar 25, 2008 01:58


What is that about? I will tell you.

65 weeks marks the last time i have logged on and poorly described the ongoings of my life. Now, what I could do is try to recap every exciting minute of my life as of 65 weeks ago, but that would be shit. And so I will not do it. Instead I will post a photo or two (or many) and remark about them, thus capturing select snapshots of my life carefully designed to give them impression that my life has been 100% full and fun.

to tell the truth, over the last year i've either been technically homeless, unemployed and loving every free minute of it, or overworked, underpaid and obviously on the fast track to burn-out.

Currently, I am at a happy medium, moreso happpy, not so medium.

oh, and i am using a $60 wireless mouse that I got for $10. rebates fucking kick ass.

jess and me thieving syrup from a glenora 'farm.' note the shadow of the photographer... classic.

the beginning of a 13 hour journey from cortes island back home. 13 freaking hours. this photo represents the best part of the day. we didn't realize that missing 2 ferries would be the best part of the day. we had to retire the van. and abandoned it in courtenay.

affinity guesthouse. one of my housesitting gigs and good friends of mine. this is seth. seth is a good guard dog and walker of the property. he keeps me safe when walking along the dyke at 1 am.

me at affinity.

affinity b/w. planned on going through there to get to the estuary and garry oaks. too bad it was flooded.

the river along the dyke. come summer time i'll be down there on a private beach. ahh the life of a housesitter/mooch galore.

affinity b/w. enjoy the sky in this photo.

mt. zoo at sunset. been a while since ive been up there. who wants to go?

truk. this is a truk we saw on our way to Funtastic 07 in Vernon, a giant baseball tourney. good trip, i paid for it big time. drank myself silly the first night and did not fully recover until we were leaving a few days later. so dehydrated that i was dizzy and sick. thing is, i STILL had to play cuz i was more reliable than other players on the team. made me feel good :) but god all mighty i was pissed (and passing out) at the time.

man-love. curtis, mark and thane at mark's wedding. most fun wedding i've ever been to. bbq at mightnight. snacks galore. wii. free booze. how do you get better than that?

sarah and me at keoma's stag. great photo. i like it. not so sure about sarah.

keoma, sarah and me at keoma's stag. note the beginnings of the infamous 'amy pose.'

at grandpa's cottage in ontario '07. was there for 4 days, this was the last trip we took. this was my only catch. i really like the colors in this photo.

youngest niece. classic photo.

jess and sarah at beacon hill with the leftover food from anna's stag. one of my favorite photos.

me and anna's goodbye at the ferry. the stag was fun.

cortes island. this was an impressive property, with more fridges on the other side. spraypainted across was 'all in all its just another fridge in the wall.' i wanted to cry it was so beautiful. but i didn't. instead i think i ate some shify beef.

lantzville. after mark and keoma's wedding. freaking cool beach.

same lantzville beach. sarah is in that photo on the left.

the beginning of my narcissistic photo shoots. i like to call this one 'peasent-chick.' it has also been called 'lazy hippy.' christina thought it was a suicide watch poster.
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