Nov 15, 2022 21:05
I need to learn to spend most of my free time on hobbies.
2. Genius - so as the name I wanted for myself - slowly losing it's original reason. If someone, group of people and soon a lot of people start to call me a genius - I could never accept it.
I never like being praised for my efforts and work - Genius was my inspiration. I may be inspiration for others, but not that kind of Genius.
I always thought Genius was so far away, therefore I choose it as a goal.
I didn't think I will this far.
Am I genius? Can I approve it for myself?
No. I can't. Being genius means bringing masterpiece(myself) to this world.
I can't associate myself with geniuses. I made so much mistakes, more than you can imagine. I have worked a lot for getting whatever you are seeing.
Am i Genius? Would I be happy for being called Genius?
There is two different version of Genius I see:
1. Genius, which was blesses by nature. His work is pure talent and intuition
2. Genius, which adapts to nature and turns it into his will, into his Name. His work is pure work and dedication to crafts, as high focus on details. He would do everything to achieve his goal, to break what is supposed to be unbroken;
He would break and go beyond perception of others and creates his own.
I choose second Genius. First Genius is unfamiliar to me. I'm not naturally blessed. I suffer as everyone else.
I may even say that first Genius doesn't exist at all.
All those years of dedication; people hyperbole criticism and certain characteristics;
Geniuses are products of broken phone within people.
Deep down, within analysis, geniuses are people with the highest passion to understand the world; to wrap it and find it's own meaning.
That what would I consider a intellectually freedom person. Out off bounds, can create whatever he wants to.
I want to be intellectually freedom person.