Kyuutta vuotta.

Jan 02, 2010 22:17

Vietinpä uuden vuoden Kyuun(Eturautti, you know) luona, ja voi vvvvv oli aika kova meininki. Mimen lähdön jälkeen olin ainoa naispuolinen(miten senny ottaa) niiden hassujen miekkosten keskellä. EEEHANAA. :D

But yeah. Happy new year everyone or, whatever. Here's my new year's resolutions WHICH I'M TRYING ACTUALLY TO KEEP THIS YEAR god.

1.) LESS CHOCOLATE AND SWEETS! Because lactose-intorelant + chocolate = lots of farting - and smelly ones. No, seriously. And also other sweets ain't good for me. And I usually eat sweets and chocolate to make me feel better. And I did that last year a LOT, which made me gain a bit weight, but I'm losing it already.

2.) Exercise more, and this year I won't keep a break from it, unless I really REALLY have to. Like, if I get really really sick.

3.) This is nothing special, but I'm going to post every week one of Queen's songs to my blog, which isn't on the Greatest Hits albums. Why? Because Queen has so so so so many more amazing songs than just those on the GH albums. I already posted the first one.

4.)  Spend more time with my friends. I've been so inactive for the last year it makes me feel left out. Well, it was my fault but still. *laugh*

5.)  I'll try to be more social and cheerful, overall. And maybe get rid of my angst that never ends, mostly because I angst because of my looks.

6.)  I'll try to draw more. Seriously, I drew ashamingly little in the year 2009. Well, it was mostly sketching but like FINISHED pieces. I guess it's mostly because my tablet broke, and I still haven't had the time to get used to the one I bought to replace the broken one.

Also, my job ends in a week, but thankfully I got a second job already. (: And I got a raise, woooo!

Nothing special over here, Lamppu over and out.

queen, new year

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