i was almost afraid to post publicly, my dishware obsession, but then i realize why does it matter? but all the images filed under inspirations, thats different. i might let a few leak out sometime.
i know what you mean. that's just the sort of thing that i'd keep to myself for fear someone else would latch on and run with it as their own obsession! people, including myself, are so concerned with being UNIQUE! it's hard to open up and share the wonderful secrets in the world when other people can always usurp them + in a way, steal your identity somehow in doing so!
i completely understand, so it's like, if i make a post about something i like that people might be interested in, make it big! (and the thing is, you have to make sure people know you are the one who started it, which is the weirdest part <--- i dont mind sharing that, its so obvious, and weirddd. we're all paranoid in some ways).
hi there! i was looking for new journals to check out when i stumbled upon yours, and decided to add as it seemed quite interesting. anyhow just thought i'd let you know because personally i hate when people friend and don't say a word!
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