Jun 12, 2003 21:16
That storm last night was great. First good one in a while. I just sat in my windowbox the whole time and watched it. I love storms. They're so soothing.
Today was nice. The first day that summer actually kicked in. Drivers ed is going by faster now. Doesnt seem like forever. We got to know this one kid b4 class. He wouldnt tell us his name, so we just started calling him Frank. He responds to that now. He calls me kyle, and jason - kevin. During our break, Kevin (jason), me, Frank, and this other kid walked to 7-11. We each had about a dollar, so we put it all together and got a huge bag of chips that we ate together during the videoquiz in class. 2 people passed that quiz. He read off the grades. the average was about a 40. I got an 80. Kevin got a 60.
I then came home, and proceeded to do nothing. I watched Catch me if you can w/ jason, some TV. Played basketball. Nothing important at all. Then a huge storm came. Now think, when was the last time you played in the rain. Just went outside in your clothes, and got completely soaked. We did that. It was great fun. By the time we went in, we were completely soaked. We played basketball in it. All the passing cars stared at us. I later went to the rec center and played basketball.
This weekend, i'm going up to my uncles ranch. dirt biking! YES! i havent been in sooo long. I get to see all my cousins. Like 12 of them are gunna be there. After that, i'm going straight to Schlitterbahns (water park). Best place in the world. Down in san antonio. I've ridden every ride in the park, and still love it. Then i'm coming back and moving! busy week.