
Oct 15, 2003 22:49

It seems that there is a demand for me to update my journal... and who am i to deny my fans what they want. lol. Lets see.... where did i leave off.... lets see. wow. the retreat. that was a while ago. i'll do a brief rundown of whats happened since. Of course you must remember that my long term memory suffers from... bad... memory... *shifty eyes*. anyway. Homecoming. i remember that. seems like forever now. kitty (karen) and i went together. sort of a last minute thing, but it was lots of fun! i got my freak on in the middle section. lol. w/ a little bit of prodding. At the last slow song, i had a wonderful and truly magical dance with Brittany. Yay! lets see.. also... Um.. i was sick for a week. most likely from sitting out on the dock at the retreat for 2 hours talkin w/ daniel.... in 50 degree weather... with wind.. and shorts and a t-shirt. not the brightest thing, but i dont regret it in the least. speaking of daniel, i havent seen him in a while. wonder where he is... hmmm. he went on some sort of a trip, and didnt answer his cell when he called. anyway. it was awesome bein sick tho. I missed all of band every day except for one that week. and i missed 2 full days of school. I wasnt sick enough to be miserable. but i was sick enough to stay home. Like a little vacation. I've also been playin a lot more guitar lately, which i really enjoy. its really relaxing. I think im leavin out somethin really important... cuz theres a blank spot in my memory for like.. a whole week. maybe i died??

zach's birthday party was a few days ago. he had a poker nite thing. pretty fun. u'd start out w/ so many chips and people w/ the most at the end won prizes. Danny and i cheated all night long. We were sooo good at it tho. it was awesome. Danny, U rock. Whitney, you rock also. We won second, cuz some punks from the wrestling team put all their chips together. those dirty cheaters (haha, i shouldnt be talkin). they probably sucked at it tho. there was like.. 4 of them. and only me and danny.

Daniel brannum was gunna wrap my house monday nite, cuz we had no school tuesday. I was so ready for him. but more on that later, cuz he mite be comin this weekend, and i dont wanna give away all my secrets. lol. it was awesome tho. Im goin paintballin up at my uncles ranch again in a few weeks. im soooo excited. YAY! Kevin came over tonight, and we worked on our hero project. we were going to use lampshade head man for our hero. (SEE HIS COMIC HERE), but we changed our minds after looking at the requirements. He only met 1 out of the 7 of them. And that one was a long shot. They were things like: must have a dream, and goals.. psh.. or: must have a motivating force behind them to complete their dreams. hahahahaha. lampshade head?? hahaha. im way too cool for that. so we decided to use his sidekick: literary criticism boy instead. (also see comic). We came up w/ his background. if you want a good laugh, i posted it HERE!

and... thats pretty much all that my puny little memory can do for me right now... i'll have to write about waiting to get wrapped later, cuz that was freakin hillarious. Im gunna put some links in now, to go to, cuz i assume that ur bored if ur sittin there readin this. a lot of them are on my site, some arent. and awayyyyyy we go.


Duck hunt revenge... heheheheh


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BARB!!!!!!!!! - an oldie but a goodie. password protected for legal reasons. password is barbination
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