It was four thirty on a Friday, and Rye had just closed the shop. He always closed early on Fridays, on account of them being Fridays, and, perhaps more importantly, poker nights. Cat went off to bridge with her permed hens, or book club, or, well, he wasn't quite sure what it was they got up to, but it didn't matter much, so long as she stumbled homeward to his arms before the weekend was out. The only task that stood between him, a cold glass of Old Vienna, and the reassuring click of plastic chips now was a trip to the bank to drop off the daily deposit.
Naomi held her umbrella close and watched the cobbler as he locked the door to his shop and slipped the key into the pocket of his tweed trousers. It was only coincidence that she happened to be leaving Bygones now at this precise moment and spotting Rye. Mere delightful happenstance, and that was all. Really. She had ventured out into the rain in pale blue ballet shoes, too big to begin with and now so full of water that they bulged at the sides, where she feared weary toads might try to take up residence. Nevertheless, what are a few foreboding black clouds and toads in one's shoes when faced with love? She had been carrying a gift for him in her purse for weeks - an antique flask embossed with the image of a naval ship - and here he was at long last, walking hunched over and clutching his tattered fedora, shouting into the wind at varying intervals, "Get your own damn hat!" Only a spray of puddle water from a discourteous passing car could keep her from swooning.
I often get the idea in my head to create a Windsor street style blog, but then remember my painful shyness and move along. One day, though, I want to learn to play "Use It" by The New Pornographers on piano. I was thrilled to the brim when I heard about Anderson Cooper's new talk show, coming in the fall. I love him a lot. I also love Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, and I loved them in 500 Days of Summer, which I finally saw last night. It offers a really fascinating take on love and life, particularly how two people can be together but be on completely different pages with regards to how they see the progression of their relationship. Most of all, the movie made me want to own Summer's wardrobe, explore The Smiths' discography, go karaoke-ing, and yell "PENIS!" at the top of my lungs in a crowded park.
"Every day you make me proud, but today you get a card."