We are snowed in tonight. You know, when I was a little kid and anyone would refer to being "snowed in", I would picture a house completely walled in by snow. "We're snowed in!", to me, seemed to mean a complete inability to even open one's front door. Well.
Next up, I call this one the Larry King meme. Care to be interviewed? Leave a comment, I'll wear the suspenders.
promiseoftin asked me
five questions.
1) So, what is your favorite Beatles song?
I always have the hardest time with this question, but I usually always come back to "Here Comes the Sun". It is achingly beautiful in its simplicity and sincerity, and, of course, it reminds me of Abi (who, I may have mentioned before, is named after Abbey Road). George Harrison ♥
2) Favorite shampoo scent?
I use a shampoo for colour treated hair that supposedly contains Moroccan rose and passion fruit, but as far as bath/shower product scents, I am quite partial to honey or lavender.
3) Which planet (real or fictional) would you most like to visit?
I love this question! I have always loved Jupiter, even though it is essentially a giant ball of gas, and, you know, really bloody effing cold, among other things. I have to say, though, that I would probably go to "a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of
Betelgeuse", in search of Ford Prefect, or perhaps The Little Prince's planet, if there was enough room for me.
4) What was one of your most embarrassing moments?
I'll have to get back to you on this one. *shifty eyes*
5) What were some other names you were thinking of for your kids?
Ethan, Miranda, Aurora (Scott says it sounds like a stripper name, though.), Harrison.
Looking forward to..
* dinner with a friend on Thursday
* the new Decemberists album
* new Fringe!
* volume four of Fables (I haven't ordered this volume yet, as I have been trying to cut back on spending, but I really really want to. Also, I may be in love with Bigby. He doesn't die, does he? No, don't tell me!)
* the Golden Globes (even though Fringe was most egregiously robbed of nominations yet again)
Why does Blair hate Charade? Though not my number one overall, it is easily the funniest of Audrey's films - (those I've seen, at least). I love the last line: "Oh, I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter, Brian, whatever your name is, I love you! I hope we have a lot of boys, and we can name them all after you!"