the good writing soup

Nov 10, 2010 11:54

Glee: Never Been Kissed
Wow, this episode was dark, or maybe it's just that Glee is generally such light fare that whenever anything really intense occurs, it makes for a very stark contrast. Anyhow, I thought it was all very well done.

I mostly want to talk about Kurt. I love Kurt, and Chris Colfer and the writers are doing such a brilliant job making Kurt, a complex character with, yes, a few flaws, someone we can root for with all our hearts. (I am still waiting for them to get back to this point with will. Last night's episode was a step in the right direction, but he still has a long way to go.) The confrontation/kiss scene left me feeling terribly sad - sad for Kurt, who was obviously freaked out and confused by the whole thing, and sad for the bully, who was likely experiencing similar emotions. I think it is an interesting route they're going with the bully storyline, humanizing the bully rather than making him just your garden variety one-dimensional Neanderthal. I prefer this route, as I believe that, though the capacity for cruelty exists within every one of us, we are not born with hate in our hearts. Bullies are created, and children learn intolerance from all those who have influence over them and their upbringing. I am wondering if the writers are going to explore the bully storyline further, though I have a sinking feeling that if they do they may end up venturing into even darker territory, i.e. suicide.

I hope Blaine sticks around. He's good for Kurt, and aww, they're cute together.

There was some good character development for Puck, as well. He isn't the impervious tough guy he purports to be, just a messed up kid who needs some actual guidance.

Didn't love the Coach Bieste storyline. I never find Sue's "Let's destroy this person with accusations of inappropriate conduct" plans to be funny in the slightest, and I thought Will was kind of patronizing (though right to discuss the matter with the students).

I'm excited for next week's episode. I go back and forth about Gwyneth Paltrow, but the brief glimpse we got of her character in the promo was promising, and maybe she'll fix whatever is broken in Will that makes him just so completely embarrassing and pathetic sometimes. Also, "Umbrella" with actual rain and umbrellas! Fun times.

Supernatural: You Can't Handle the Truth
Despite the snore-fest that was Dean playing house with Lisa and Ben, I am really enjoying season six. It has a different vibe to it, one that is tense and uncertain. I am eager for answers, however. Did we learn what exactly is wrong with Sam in this episode? Veritas (who I thought was pretty cool, for what it's worth) revealed that Sam is not human, but what does the mean, precisely? He has no soul? I need more information.

There is never enough Castiel for me. As I said on Twitter the other night, every single time Dean prays to Castiel and then turns around to find the angel there, I flail. Sometimes I think this could become the "Dean and Castiel go hunting" show, and I would be okay with that. Their chemistry is undeniable. It kills me. My favourite moment was Castiel telling Dean that, although he doesn't know what's wrong with Sam, he wants to help. P.S. I also really would like to know/see more of what is going on up in heaven with Castiel and the whole civil war business. Does anyone know if Rob Benedict is slated to return any time soon (or at all)? I love him, like, a whole lot. (He has a twitter account, I have just discovered. Oh gosh, if I'm a dork, I hope I'm at least the endearing sort.)

Dear Fringe,
Don't change a thing. Only, please save Olivia and stop trying to make me cry. Also, Peter Bishop: hottest hallucination ever, y/y?

chris colfer, shipping, gwyneth paltrow, rob benedict, dean/castiel, joshua jackson, twitter, glee, telly, fringe, spn

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