Will/Emma forever

Oct 20, 2009 18:58

Okay, I have procured two bags of assorted Willy Wonka candy - Nerds, SweetTarts, Runts, and the much beloved Laffy Taffy. Disaster averted. I might make caramel apples this weekend. Man, I love Halloween.

Speaking of things I love, I have watched the first four episodes of Glee, and holy crap, cutest show ever or cutest show EVER? Jayma Mays is too charming to be real. And don't even get me started on her character's wardrobe. The yellow heels she was wearing when she stepped on gum? Guh. Anyway, the show is clever and uplifting, and Joss Whedon is going to direct an episode!. Basically, you all should be watching Glee, but you probably already are. ♥

halloween, jayma mays, fashion, food & drink, matthew morrison, joss whedon, telly, glee, will/emma

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