I had a wonderful day today.
Today's ultrasound was part of the optional genetic screening I'm getting done. It is too soon to be able to tell the sex, I guess, but we got to listen to the heartbeat, and the technician said everything looks and sounds good. 158 bpm. Sounded a little fast to me, but then I did some reading (later when I got home) and I found it's in the average range.
We went out for lunch after the test and I had some really yummy chicken fingers. Also, Scott was adorably excited about everything and even brought one of the u/s pictures to work and put it up in his cube. Hee.
Then, after Scott was done work, we went for dinner at my grandma's, and I had pineapple caramel upside down cake for dessert (which is so ridiculously delicious its taste cannot be summed up with mere words).
(Actually, if it didn't take up so much damn space, the caramel pineapple upside down cake would have a place in the subject line.)
bhavna_grint, who is fabulous, told me about Paul Maurice's May 29 interview on Leafs Lunch, which I dug up easily enough with the help of Google. I discovered that I love the way he says Andrew. One of the announcers called him (Maurice) a bright, articulate young man, and speculated that he'll be GM one day, and I was all *beams* *holds up her #1 Coach Maurice fangirl sign* *happy sigh*
Finally: yarn. Yesterday I went to Michael's - (which, ohmygosh, I could spend a day in that place and come out with hundreds of dollars of stuff and not a single craft project in mind) - and purchased some baby soft yarn in yellow, blue, green, and white. I am presently trying to make a baby tuque. It may take a few attempts, but hey, I have six whole months.
ETA: The other thing is, they had to cut our hours at work, so I'm only working half days now. I feel bad saying it, because the extra money is nice, but I'm kind of grateful for the break. It's most likely only temporary anyway.