dress code shmess code

May 12, 2007 14:46

I bought these grey lounge pants at Old Navy the other day and they're so completely comfortable that I just want to buy five more pairs and never wear anything else, even if doing so makes me look like a crazy lady you might see on the bus or at the supermarket with the curlers still twisted up in her hair. I can't (comfortably) wear jeans or pants with buttons any more, at least not the ones I have in my closet, but I'm not at all big enough for real deal maternity clothes. Clearly the in-betweener preg. ladies are an entire unexplored market base. Drawstring/elastic waistbands for all!

Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly, as much as I wish it would. I just made a dentist appointment the other day for June 6, thinking, "Oh, my teeth are fine. Doesn't matter that the appointment isn't for another couple of weeks." Well, wouldn't you know it but the day after I make the appointment I start experiencing some sensitivity in one spot whenever I eat/drink hot or cold things. More of a dull ache than a sharp pain. I get it when I brush the area on my gums as well - shoots through to the tooth like nerve pain or something. The super shitty part of it all is, the pain is centred around an upper molar I had a root canal on about six years ago, so of course now I'm worried that they're going to have to do another surgery (retreatment or this other surgery called and apicoectomy, which they always recommend over extraction), or pull the tooth and then I'll have to pay to get an implant (which will be more expensive than surgery, but we'll deal). Anyway, I'm going to call back and try to get an earlier appointment than June 6, even if it means I have to take a morning off work, because of course I'm worried that there might be an infection which might spread and somehow hurt the baby. ALSO, I would really rather not get x-rays taken, even though I've read that there are precautions the hygienist can take (if the x-rays are absolutely necessary) and the risk of exposure is very minimum, but I don't know how much the dentist (Uncle R.) can tell just by looking, listening to me describe the symptoms, and poking around. Sonofabitch.

I'm trying not to worry about it. Maybe it's nothing and will go away in a few days. Maybe I'll have to get surgery (with novocaine, which is apparently safe). There's no use worrying about it, but, well, I'm kind of having a hard time with that, as I'm sure you can tell. :P

I've signed up to do this - Script Frenzy - in June, because I am insane. I've never written a screenplay before. Could be interesting.

Finally, thanks to _findlay I saw Mike Peca on Off the Record about an hour ago and it was the highlight of my day thus far. He was wearing blue, which is a terrific colour for him, and looked fabulous. *happy sigh* ♥

uncle r., writing contests, hockey, ho-yay!, peca, life, telly, writing, shopping

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