Live Together, Die Alone

May 25, 2006 00:40

Under the cut you'll find my thoughts on the LOST season finale. Along with all the usual warnings, I should probably tell you that I'm going to be nothing but all over the place tonight. My head's still spinning.

Locke: So, what did one snowman say to the other snowman?
Desmond: Smells like carrots.

First of all, Desmond, baby, how I missed you. It's true what they say about how you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

With Desmond, came the answers. Kelvin, the button, cause and effect - not pushing the button activating the giant magnet which brought Flight 815 down. And of course now we've got this Penelope Widmore character thrown into the mix. Daughter of Charles Widmore.

What I Loved

1. Desmond and (Box-Man) Locke. Locke sobbing against the tree trunk after Mr. Eko had thrown him out of the bunker? A little more than mildly disconcerting. (During the Locke and Eko scene at the beginning I was quite ridiculously sitting here going, "Guys, don't fight! I hate to see you fighting!" Thank goodness we got that scene with the two of them at the end where they faced each other and Locke admitted he'd been wrong. Hopefully both of them are still alive. GD Powers That Be leaving me hanging RE: the fate of my two most favourite characters on the whole damn show!) But Desmond brought answers, as I previously mentioned, and now Locke is no longer all broken and disenchanted. Great revelation at the end, when we find out that Locke saved Desmond's life.

2. This is related to #1, but it gets its own spot on the list, because...because I say it does. Locke talking about Boone, expressing remorse and taking responsibility for what happened. Locke has never really confronted the Boone thing before, in my opinion. His breakdown (banging against the bunker-door and shouting, "I've done everything you asked!" etc.) was more to do with his own selfish reasons than anything else - i.e. he was expecting something in return for all his efforts and all he got was one dead Boone. Again, that's only my opinion. But yeah, Locke getting emotional over Boone's death? Guh. Love.

While I'm on the subject of Boone, have y'all read The Whisper Transcripts? I'm trying to suss out how legit these things are, but I've not seen anything anywhere from Abrams and/or Lindelof, so until I do I'm filing them under speculation. I do have to say, though, that I listened to some of the recordings and I could make out some words, but not all. Still, it's easy to hear something if you're listening for it. And oh, there's a theory going around that some of the "dead" are doing the whispering, which, if true, brings up a whole new set of questions that I don't even want to begin to think about at the present time.

3. We found out that Kelvin did, in fact, work on the UV light blast door map. His previous partner, Razinski (sp?), is the one who started the thing. Which confirms the popular TWoP theory that there were two people working on the map. Hence the different styles of handwriting, and the Latin phrases vs. the equations.

4. The fact that Kelvin is the American military man who introduced Sayid to the joys of torturing another human being. Now, how'd he get onto the island?

5. Sawyer finding out that when Jack said that he and Kate got "caught in a net" he actually meant that they literally got caught in a freaking net.

6. The scene in which Michael's deception was exposed. Also, the looks that Michael and Jack exchanged at the end. What a mess. So much for The Plan.

Hey Now

1. Weren't we supposed to find out about the black smoke monster? The Island Jabberwock that many have theorized is the security system referred to as "Cerberus" on the UV light blast door map?

2. The Penelope voice-over at the end, when Desmond was ready to turn the key. I was awww-ing over the Penelope/Desmond romantic tragedy myself, but that bit was a little heavy on the cheese.

3. Why so much attention on Charlie and Claire at the end there? I could not have cared less about those two at that point in the episode. I wanted to know whether Mr. Eko and Locke were okay. Dude, they'd better be.

Other Random Commentary

1. I love that they really made a point of letting us know that Desmond's book was Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. Because now all the crazy obsessive people (like me) are going to think that they must have done so for a reason, and we're going to go read the book. (Did you know that you can download it in full text form? Click.) Or maybe Desmond simply saved Dickens' final work for last and there's nothing more to it. Nothing symbolic about it at all! Fucking hell. It's a good thing I like Dickens.

2. Henry Ian Cusick with short hair. Henry Ian Cusick with long, shaggy hair. Both equally yummy. Do we really have to lose Desmond again now, when he's been gone for so long and we just got him back? I'm really going to have a hard time with that. He was good with the banter, and with the lounging about on the beach with his shirt half-open and a bottle of booze at his side. He can't be gone.

3. Hee. Random Russian Guys. Threw me off for a second or so there. I thought the show had just ended with that boring Charlie/Claire scene.

4. The bunker disappearing/exploding/whatever and the noise/weird violet light that accompanied it? Pure sci-fi. I'm not abandoning the idea that the island exists in some parallel dimension/alternate reality just yet. Remember what NotHenry said about God not being able to see what goes on on the island? *cues Twilight Zone theme*

5. RE: NotHenry. The little smirk, nod, and "Hello again" to Jack amused me. Just a little. Also, NotHenry seems to have a lot of authority amongst these Other folk, doesn't he? Curiouser and curiouser.

That's all, I think. To bed!

hotties, sci-fi, lost, telly

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