and then there was jake

Jan 14, 2006 21:31

Whilst searching over at for the clip of Jake Gyllenhaal on Leno last night - (which, by the way: thank-you a hundred times over, lady_iz, for letting me know about that. 'Twas one of the major highlights of my evening, second only to Scott watching The Princess Bride with me and gasping when Buttercup fell into the lightning sand in the fireswamp.) - I happened to notice that the caption for one of the random images being featured on the left side of the page was something like "Jake Leaving with Fruit Juicer 19 Dec 2003"...

Check it out. It's Jake. He does his own shopping. How adorably domestic.

And you'll note that these pictures confirm that the box he is carrying does, in fact, appear to contain a fruit juicer. It is fortunate that the photographer got a close-up of the box, or we would all be left wondering, wouldn't we? (The 19th of Dec. is his birthday, isn't it? Maybe it was a little gift for himself.) RE: Jake's birthday. I have no idea how it is I've come to know such a piece of information. I promise you I didn't look it up. Quit looking at me like that.

Yep, definitely looks like a juicer to me. I love a guy who, um, juices his own fruit.

Oh, and apparently he gets excited about shows on The Food Network. Cute.

"I'm a bad dancer and a really good busboy."

Jake and The Car.

Jake and The Car, Part II. (There is a certain grace to his posture in this picture, really. Ten points, Jake darling.)

Being all Intense with a capital I in OUT. He does it well, but I rather think goofy suits him a little better.

Finally, two Heath & Jake pics, which I'm sure everyone has seen but I shall post here anyway because of the sheer fabulousness of the hat Heath is wearing in them. (Aside: She's not really the focal point of the picture, in my opinion, but am I wrong in thinking that Anne Hathaway could certainly have picked a more flattering dress/flowy shirt thingy for that event? Come on, now.)

*will absolutely NOT make a comment about Jake and Heath and the juicer and/or juice-making*

This entirely pointless picspam has been brought to you by me, the lovely ladies (and gentlemen?) over at, Google Images, and the letter J. The commentary was pure Perp., and I'm sure you could tell.

hotties, jake

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