I just do not understand people sometimes.
1. Any email received from an actual person with whom you are familiar should be read in its entirety. This way, you do not miss key details that the sender may have included in his/her message and, as such, will not have to ask further questions with regards to these potentially pertinent details at a later date.
2. The maximum amount of time it should take for you to respond to an email is three to five days, and that, my friends, is pushing it. This obviously varies according to the nature of the initial sender's message, the urgency of the situation, etc. It should never take you more than a week to respond to someone to whom you've given your email address as a way of contacting you, UNLESS one or more of the following is applicable to your present/recent situation:
a) You are incredibly ill and are incapacitated and/or in the hospital, thus preventing you from checking your email.
b) You have shuffled off this mortal coil. This does not apply if you have attained some supernatural form (i.e., ghost, spirit, phantom) and your typing capabilities are still intact. Get thee to a computer, thou rude and slothful specter! Forthwith!
c) You have lost one or more of your limbs. Might I suggest learning to type with your nose?
d) You, or someone else, (or perhaps even several people, for that matter), spilled cream soda on your keyboard/monitor/motherboard and the piece of hardware proceeded to explode, in a sense. (Cream soda is only used as an example here. Any type of liquid will do the trick, I'm sure.)
e) Your computer is otherwise out of commission and you have no other way of getting into your email account. (Possible reasons for this include theft, Trojan horses, worms, all manner of insipid viruses, and sabotage. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.)
3. If an individual emails you with regards to a matter they deem important, it is natural to expect that they will follow up on said matter until they get a response. Generally, follow-up emails do not require long, drawn-out replies, but brief and to-the-point answers that let the initial sender know that you haven't forgotten about them. A simple, "No, I haven't forgotten about you. I've been busy, but I'm working on it." will do fine, and typing up and sending an email of that sort will not take up more than two minutes of your time, (and that max. is only if you are an incredibly slow typer). A failure to reply to a follow-up email will inevitably result in, depending on how patient and persistent the initial sender is, more follow-up emails, of a polite and genial nature, usually, but just as urgent as the first, nonetheless. It is pointless to become annoyed with the persistence of the initial sender, as you have quite clearly brought this onslaught on yourself by neglecting to obey the clear and simple rules of Email Etiquette. Hang your head in shame.
I think that just about covers everything. Thank-you and have a nice day.
EDIT: I've changed "virii" to "viruses," because
Wikipedia told me to. Sort of. God damned ridiculous English language and all its flipping inconsistencies.