becoming the urgent hungry vessel.

May 09, 2007 01:20

joanna and the witchhunt.
work. (work).
latest butterflies: yep-i/c.

“The risks are,” he continues, “that, if a song’s going badly, so’s your life. That’s quite a price to pay! You go head to head over a line, a syllable, a note, and it’s brutal when it needs to be. We’ve just accepted that when we work together it’s going to be messy, and it’s possible that there might be some blood spilled. But it’s worth it. We’re still talking to each other, so I guess it’s okay!”
so says matt hale of aqualung.

im willing to give my soul up to the creation, and then fulfilment, of ideas that serve life and give life;
i want nothing less than to thirst so much for life that anything less, in being and doing, is unbearable.
come opposition, mundane tiredness, or pleasant distractions; i dont want me to get in the way.
please let there be nothing between you and your coming into this world- yet, is the ego the most stubborn, useful tool in this practical world where it is physical egos that jostle?

also, it would be especially lovely to have others, marrow to marrow.

a mere bean in the world, seed for thought., music.

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