So last week the New York Times did
an article about the making of Taking Woodstock. The bottom of the web version contains this notation:
A previous version of this article misspelled the name of a town in upstate New York. It is Wallkill, not Walkill. The article also used an incorrect last name for the main character in “Taking Woodstock.” He is Elliot Teichberg, not Tiber.
Today they published their
review of the movie:
The main character, Elliot Tiber (Demetri Martin), from whose memoir, “Taking Woodstock: A True Story of a Riot, a Concert, and a Life” (written with Tom Monte) the film was adapted, is a mild-mannered, semicloseted gay interior decorator who has been living in Greenwich Village.
Look, I know they're written by different people and maybe it's a bit confusing (the book is credited to Tiber, but in the movie he's still Teichberg), but don't you have editors? Isn't this their responsibility?
I would gladly take their place, and probably do a better job in the process. Come on.