I'm going to kind of speed through this, because if I don't get it done soon, I'll never get around to it.
Planned to get up at the usual time and just make my way to the Javits Center. Of course, instead considered the fact that the first panel I wanted to attend wasn't until 2 and so got up almost an hour later, then took forever getting ready.
(And the crazy part is that I had actually laid everything out the night before, and it still didn't help much.)
Finally left before 11, but missed the bus as I wasn't in the mood to run for it. Sat down on a stoop to write some stuff in the Moleskine I bought, saw a bus coming and got up to catch it, but didn't hustle my ass quickly enough to the stop so I guess the guy didn't see me and he sped by. I'm kinda pissed about that, but a lot of it is my fault, since I should have been closer to the stop.
heehaw_tng (and
tribblewing) at his booth and dumped off all the stuff I brought to decorate it. Started walking around the exhibition hall a bit, then ran off to my first panel, "Comics, Concepts, and Copyrights."
What can I say? I'm a junkie for IP stuff. It's one of the reasons I have these occasional outbreaks of "I should go to law school!"
(No, bad thought! Bad thought!)
Good panel, I took some notes, because I find new joy in taking notes.
Thomas A. Crowell was the main speaker (so there you go
tom_kiper, laugh if you will) and if you check out the "articles" section of the site you'll see a version of the PowerPoint presentation.
More bumming around ensued, then I headed to the "Mondo Marvel" followed by the "Secret Invasion" panel (might as well lump them together). I don't have much to say here; they gave out Skrull masks and asked everyone to put them on for a photo, they showed an installment of some stupid viral video thing, Joe Q admitted to seeing the Iron Man movie four times and said it was the "most realistic superhero movie romance ever" (and someone responded with, "that's not exactly saying much"), there was a question about Amadeus Cho, and no one said a thing about Brand New Day. Except for Joe Q, who just used it as an example for something else. It was like the uncomfortable Christmas your family doesn't mention at Easter.
So I got dragged along by Ian to hang out with his podcasting friends, and you generally
know this story, though it should be noted there was some drama ("Oh, we can't eat raw fish, we're just going to the diner." -- "This place has stuff other than raw fish, and if you were going to end up eating at a diner you should have just stayed in Midtown.") but we didn't kill each other in the end and that's all that matters.
Went home, but unexpected service changes made the trip extra long and I missed all buses. What kills me is how I can't find this shit on the general service advisory list, so it's easy to miss it/forget. But while waiting for the train at Atlantic we ran into one of Ian's Yankee game acquaintances, who was nice enough to give me a ride from the train station.