Starting from the last week of September:
Monday, went to check out the Halo 3 release at Best Buy. You already know this. A few days later, asked my brother how the game was. He hadn't finished it yet. Why? Because he was playing it on Legendary 'cause "everything else was too easy."
Tuesday, got an e-mail about a release party for the Dethklok album, Dethalbum. heehaw_tng came along with me to a bar near Chinatown. I really liked the bar a lot, but the party was kind of a fizzle, since they didn't show the season premiere like they said they would and the free DVDs and t-shirts they were supposed to have never arrived (so the promotions guy said). However, there was free beer and we both got deluxe copies of the new CD. The album has its bright spots, but I am disappointed that they seem to have rerecorded "Thunderhorse."
Friday, went home 'cause I wanted to watch Doctor Who with my parents. Sci-Fi cut the best line in the episode. Not sure if the choice was intentional, or if they are being homophobes.
Saturday, went to DigitalLife with peoples. It has not grown much since I was last there in 2004. Got to witness the silliness that is Eye of Judgment for myself. You play with cards, which have a camera pointed at them, and the PlayStation 3 puts the monsters and stuff on the screen. And you're supposed to playing online. It's crazy.
Sunday, watched a whole bunch of episodes of Bleach, which I like but certain episodes gave me a Dragon Ball Z vibe, which I didn't like. And I know filler awaits me around episode 60.
Thursday, tablet arrived. Bought a 4x5 Bamboo. Takes some getting used to, but it's not bad.
Last night, went to dinner with tom_kiper. I might grow to like Korean, if I get enough exposure.
Caught up on Goats and PvP. I'm never going to read as many webcomics as I read in college, but it's nice to have something.