This chapter was beyond epic! Made a hasty review in, like, one hour, after screaming aloud for five minutes straight. Review itself is cross-posted in
capslock_khr , but, of course, there’s a fangirling extra for my journal.
Everyone: Standing around.
Squalo, Hibari: Why yes, we are standing here providing infinite fanservice.
S18 fandom: swells.
Kikyou and sexy lava dude whose name I can’t be bothered to remember: We are full of fanservice too.
Me: is it just me, or this picture is too hot for it’s own good?
Lame Tsuna: OMGWTFBBQ Everyone wants to fight, it’s like we’re in shounen!!!
Byakuran: Blah blah blah Uni come back you’re the best in bed.
Yumamoto, Gokudera: *take notes*
8059 panel: *happens*
8059 fandom: Yay!
Byakuran: Now I’m going to make this evil, wicked raepface and totally no one will notice that I’m thinking about something bad.
Shou-Chan: I feel a disturbance in the force.
Uni: Byakuran. I know why you want me.
Me: OMG OMG OMG She really had said it!!!!!
The crew: Purely punctuation symbol thoughts never get old. Let’s have some.
Uni: Denied. By the way. You suck.
Byakuran: blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaah Why everyone dumps me, first Shou-chan, now Uni, I think I’m going to have erectile dysfunction problems. So, give me Vongola rings. Because I said so. Insert random Tsuna insult here.
Captain Obvious Uni: Vongola rings belong to Vongola. Pacifiers belong to Arcobaleno. Rain falls down. In other news, screw you.
Everyone: *Reaction!faces.* So unexpectedly!
Byakuran: Time for some lame insane villain laugh. Puhahaha.
Byakuran: You’ve forgot about your herd of Black Spell bitches. You fail at pimping. Gimme back your pimpcoat.
Uni: Fucker.
Sexy as hell Gamma in suit, tough yellow-haired gorilla, his pink-haired uke, fodder!Black Spell: Hi everyone!
Lame Tsuna: ZOMG you really will take them as a hostages, like a shounen villain?! It’s so evil!
Me: Yes, Tsuna, he will take seven divisions of fully armed experiences soldiers as hostages, like a flock of sheep.
Uni: Me and my gradient eyes think that they will understand.
Lame Tsuna: I’m at the edge of hysterics now! Next thing you’ll say that Santa doesn’t exist!
Reborn: Grow some balls.
Tsuna: *freaking oooooooout*
Some fanservice panels with Tsuna’s and Uni’s eyes: *happen*
27Uni fandom: has a colossal hard-on.
Tsuna: …Screw you all!
Epic grope: *happens!!!!!*
Me: seriously, Tsuna gropes her from behind, and it’s canon now, oh god oh god oh god.
27uni fandom: *FAPS.*
Uni: oh no another rapist on my ass.
Tsuna: Everyone! Lets have some gang-bang!
Everyone: Yaaaaaay!!! Vongolorgy!!!
Second 8059 panel(smug version): *happens*
8059 fandom: *going steady*
Me: oh yes.
Uni: On, whatever. Yay! Vongolorgy!
Kikyou and sexy lava dude whose name I can’t be bothered to remember: We are very displeased being left out of R-rated actions.
Kikyou: Byakuran-sama, my proposition about spermatozoons in random directions from previous chapter is still valid.
Byakuran: suddenly, I’m looking criminally sexy being evil. Permission granted.
Spermatozoons: *flying*
Freakishly big shark: Wazzup.
Squalo: Denied!
Kikyou and sexy lava dude whose name I can’t be bothered to remember: We’re being thrown away like some second-rated minions.
Sexy TYL!Dino: I’m so pissed right now about loss of both my favorite ukes. So, me and whip-chan are going to punish you.
Uni: Actually, you could retreat from this hole any second. Just for your information.
Alive Spanner: Specially for this purpose there is a huge metal thing above us that no one have noticed before.
Messy fighting panel:*happens.*
Kikyou: You’re not getting any. Here, have spermatozoons.
Systema C.A.I.: Denied!
Gokudera: Eat this!
Me: Excuse while I’m going to calm down my trembling fingers after a violent, massive orgasm.
59 fandom: Excuse us too.
Gokudera: I’m so hot I’m almost cuming myself looking at the mirror.
Stoned Bluebell chick: I’m still here.
Sexy Millefiore sidekicks: Lets have some random exposition talk.
Lava dude whose name I can’t be bothered to remember: I’m now going to rub my chin sexily and multiple my fandom several times.
Squalo: Gazeeeeeele punch!!!!!!!!
Volgola extras: *fussing around.*
Freakishly huge clock detail: *hovering in the sky.*
Uni and Tsuna: we look oddly amused for some reason.
Kyoko, running into the freakishly huge clock detail on the background: I hate my life.
Squalo and the hotties crew: We are riding the shark through smoke! Are there any ideas as of how we could be even more awesome?
Adorable Gokudera and Uri panel: *appears in sake of fanservice.*
59 fandom: *Is having a field day*
Sexy Millefiore sidekicks: *are pwned by Hibari’s cute hedgehogs.* We suck.
Me: I’m making a special effort in not making a joke about them being pierced.
Byakuran: All by myself. I hate everyone.
Everyone: We are so surprised. The Big Bad of last hundred chapters isn’t going to give up suddenly.
Dino: I’m finally going to have some spotlight.
Tsuna: No, Dino-san!
Dino: Screw you, Tsuna, all I’ve got in two last years is a panel with my horse who is prettier than me, and few training scenes.
Byakuran: I’m now saying some generic villain lines looking like a generic villain.
Chrome: I’m looking and gasping like there is a hand under my skirt. Probably, there is, though.
Tsuna: My spider senses are tingling.
Tension: *Rising.*
Rokudo Mukuro, the Mist Guardian: *appears.*
KHR Fandom: Mental breakdown in
Mukuro is back!!!!
Mukuro is back!!!!
Mukuro is back!!!!
*Never-ending stream of orgasms all over the world*
Hibari: *coming.*
Tsuna: *coming.*
Stream of orgasms: *Haven’t stopped ever since.*
Okay, now to sheer fangirling. This chapter was outstanding.
From the very beginning.
/licks one hell of a sex that are Squalo and Hibari. Sexy, mature, serious, concentrated, adult Squalo.
OMG why so much hotness, my poor brain.
A little Yamagoku panel, tiny, but still a 8059 moment, there weren’t any for a while.
Also, I was Gamma-deprived for so long, damn, damn.
And I don’t give a fucking shit about how deformed his face looks at this panel. ^ ^
8059 panel №2, I LOVE this one, smug, confident looks FTW!
And now, and now, and now!!!!!!11111
No. words. to describe. THIS.
I could die happy right now.
Gokudera finally is not only hot, but awesome and capable and owning too, and MOTHERFUCKING SYSTEMA C.A.I. is the most glorious and arousing weapon EVER. Forgive me my mushiness at the moment. Can’t help myself.
LOL at riding the shark, I love Squalo even more now, also, the estrogen brigade bait team all together kinda makes me damper in south regions.
Also, Uni59 panel kills from one kick.
And of course, THIS.
I’m not even a Mukuro fangirl, and I knew that he was going to appear, but still, it was EPIC.
Amano-sensei surely knows how to make an impression.
Join my lovely corner of wank!
P.S. I think it’s my most messy rant in a while. Yay.