Well guys, I am slacking on the updates. Things are good. I like my job...taking pictures and writing ads for iSold-it on Ebay. (by Albertsons) It is easssyyy and usually pretty enjoyable since I am a digital camera/photo editing nerd. This is also the reason that I can use the following pictures to show you the highlights of my Spring Break. Enjoy.
We went to Daytona Beach during Spring Break so here are a few pics from that.
Me and Brigid...and my new bathing suit that I like a lot.
That would be Chas, Joey, Dustin, Kyle, Maddie, and Mrs. Lefebvre.
This is how Maddie "lays out."
Kyle and Dustin...doing something...to the sand...
Joey and Kyle...doing something...to the sand...
Kyle proud of his new sandchair.
Joey's orange blood. Well it looked more orange at the time.
Mollie tried to skim board. Owwww.
Now these pics are from Friday night where Stronghold played at Belleview City Hall. It was a splendid evening.
Josh, Brad and Trevor running sound.
A really good pic of Daniel and Mollie.
Daniel doing emo poses...or something. lol.
Daniel also took the following two pictures of Brad. I just thought I would showcase another photographer's work....haha...
Half of Stronghold18:2 standing in for Matt Eldridge's band.
Emily and Brigid also did this to Dan's van. I was an innocent bystander.
The guys playing. My pictures from that time turned out terrible. Grrrr.
Joey Mader.
Daniel Deloach.
Brad Connolley and Trevor Curington.
Josh Wright and Brad.
Josh Mader.
Well now these couple of pictures are from a little ordeal that me and Bradley had.
I stole his rug that he stands on while he plays bass:
And I left him a ransom note and a polaroid like the above picture on his truck.
He had to follow clues to get it back the next Sunday.
And this is what I called it:
The following Wednesday he stole all of my CDs and left me all this:
I had to do very time-consuming math problems and then space out numbers to omit numbers from this binary code:
Then, I had to translate it to get the message that my CDs were in the ceiling of our high school room at church.
His note:
I had to call and get help for one part, because one of us messed up, hah. It was fun though and now we are even...I think.
So basically that was my Spring Break. Oh and also I worked and went to church. I watched a lot of movies too.
Love, Danielle.