My date on Thursday went surprisingly well. I wasn't sure how into this guy I was, one, and two he was way too excited about the date. It was cute, but at his age? Well, Sue said perhaps he hasn't had a date for a long time. That turned out to be the case, and as it is the case with me, as well, I just suppose we deal with it in different ways.
Anyhow, he's got very Anderson Cooper hair, but he has these very dark eyes which look a bit odd, at first, compared to the hair. He's more handsome than hot, if that makes sense, and looks very young for his age, like very smooth skin, no real wrinkles, and laughs easily. I was at work dropping off my new bar card yesterday and mentioned the date. When I said he told me his father was Italian, but his mother is from...County Cork, Sheila said what the fuck, Gloria. Can't you get away from us? It's like you can't get away from the Irish.
I thought the same thing, to be honest.
I ended up liking him more than I thought I would. I was surprised, and I suppose it's a good surprise.
Last night, though, not the best date. We just met for a couple of drinks in Hoboken. I was late because the car company I called is horrible about lying about times. Had they been honest, I'd have walked to the train station and gotten there just a little late instead of a half hour late. Damnit.
I missed him and he got my messages later and showed back up. Yeah, what was I thinking? I was definitely thinking why the hell did I accept a date with this guy???
He looks older than I remember, one, he's one of those may have been kind of cute when he was younger but didn't age well people, two and three he's really awkward. He must have been in good form and I must have had beer goggles on.
Anyhow, stayed for 2 drinks with him, watched the Williams-Sharapova match on tv and realized we had nothing to really talk about. I found him boring, annoying, kind of twitchy and when rock came on the stereo, he'd do that bouncing, semi-head banging thing old, aged rockers do sometimes. Okay, not my type at ALL.
I just had to leave. It was torture. I'd been talking to the bartenders before he got there, and they could tell I was like YIKES after a few minutes. I'll go back and chat with them sometime, but they could tell I was thinking get me OUT. Poor guy. He just really turned me off.
Glad I went, though. I have to start saying yes to dates. See, one was ugh, but the first one was good, and I thought it would be the other way around! You never, ever know. Guy number one is better looking, well-educated, fun, well-spoken, world-travelled, speaks a couple of languages, including Japanese, is honestly enthusiastic and very young-natured. He's mature and solid, mind, but he's just a tiny bit goofy, which I love in men, playful and doesn't take himself remotely seriously. I can't stand people who take themselves too seriously, but I also can't stand people who make a joke out of everything.
I thought guy number two would work better because he's in the music business, plays some himself, owns a studio, etc, etc but the financial guy who deals with Central and South America fit better. Who'da thunk it?
Here's a pic of guy #1 I pulled from his page. I won't give names because someone would say something to him :p He was in Paris, I believe.
In older news, Paul is still skulking about, and he's about to move into his new place. It's amazing, and wow, can't wait to see it totally finished.