I lost internet connection this week. The tech came out to fix yesterday...yay!
Got into a huge, fight with Lex on Tuesday evening. I won't get into it because it's not worth repeating, to be frank. He was out of line, and in anger at being provoked by someone I considered a friend during a very difficult day, I said a flippant remark, and he responded in a very, very nasty way. Favor, indeed.
So, Rachael and I are still looking for an apartment. Part of the problem is me, so I hope we can find one together, otherwise I'm homeless, maybe. My apartment is so nice, that the first person to see it...took it. Ugh. So, no apartment right now, and less than a month to find one. Then I have to start packing right now, too. And I have to get these wedding favors done for Simon's wedding by mid-month. Sent out mid-month. And I have to figure out if I can make it to the wedding. I want to go. This is one of my dearest, closest friends and I know that I would be very much missing him at my wedding, if/when I do and he couldn't come to mine.
John, a good friend of mine, is coming over to discuss business plan and getting investors for my business. He's raised a couple mill for companies before, although I don't think I need that much...heh. He's pretty positive that it can be done, and he does know finances and numbers.
Paul is a bit MIA, so I'll let him rest to the side for now. I see him here and there, but he needs time to shed the newly divorced skin before I want to mess with him, again. Meanwhile
I've known him a few years. He finally became a fireman, which he always wanted. Not sure if I want to get involved with Smitty, as he's an incurable flirt, and a bit of a man-whore. He is fun, though, and we laugh a lot at and with each other. He does have beautiful, dark blue eyes...
I dunno.