May 14, 2007 11:24
I woke up this morning and I couldn't freaking move. My back had sieized up during the night and it was so bad I couldn't even bend over to wash my face. I had to lean on my elbow and wash with one hand. You know it's a bad start when you open your eyes to a bottle of Aleve.
Felix cancelled our training session today due to my back. He said give it 24 hours to heal up and go to tomorrow's class. He's coming by work tonight after he teaches and we're going to discuss a program for me. I am fully intent on being FIT and badass in a couple of months and keep it that way. I will never, ever allow myself to become this unfit again. Okay, so I look fine, I'm not overweight, I have a good shape, but I'm used to being able to do very intense physical things. He says I'm actually doing great (I'm way too hard on myself) and that he's going to have me a little fighting machine in not nearly as much time as I think. I have to say, I'm excited.
My work schedule is looking interesting. I'll be managing Monday nights, tending bar Weds days, managing Thursday nights and Sunday days/nights. This means, folks, that I'll have Friday and Saturdays off! Woohoo! I'll have to pick a different class to go to since I won't be able to do kickboxing on Thursays any longer (starting in a couple of weeks), but that's okay. Bets that Paul will change his days to go with mine...
Patrick saw the Duchess again last week and she brought up that she still needs someone. He said he sent my stuff in a couple of months ago and he never heard anything. She said she never saw it, send it again, so he did. This means that I might yet get a job working for the Duchess of York at her NY office. Just wow.
Been in contact with Keith, and since he's touring with Steely Dan these days, I'm planning on going to Boston the 29th and 30th to see him and Randy (hi Randy!). I get to see the show, hang backstage with the band...I think I'm going to have a great time. I just have to find a hotel near him since we'll probably hang out during the day. I haven't gotten to see him play much this year. A couple of times with Wayne Krantz but I'm looking forward to seeing him play with Donald Fagen ;)
And...last but not least, welcome, Sarah!