Feb 11, 2009 00:04
So I was initially going to post something depressing and emo. But I decided that instead of wasting your time about how depressed/lonely I am...I figured I'd just cut most of it and say...
Why do I say this? Probably because I've been miserable lately, while managing to keep an uptempo attitude about everything that doesn't involve relationships... It's kind of how I roll; distract myself until the time comes that I'm not distracted, leaving open the thinking of such things...
Now I could also say that people don't understand how I feel. However, I can guarantee that there is at least ONE person who is sitting alone watching a Prime Time NBC/ABC T.V. show probably thinking similar thoughts and being equally as miserable as me, only not taking the time to post a useless livejournal post on livejournal.
I'm sure that all of you reading this have discovered that this was a complete waste of your time...and those of you that actually took the time to read this to the end, I'm sure that you (like me) are just trying to find solidarity or reason to your being as miserable (or more so) as me.
It happens. Life, I mean. Life does suck...and if life didn't suck, no one would have anything to complain about. And god knows we can't have that. Why else do you think God created many different ways to believe in him...well mainly A) Because he has an amazing sense of humor, B) More then one religion GUARANTEE'S argument...argument leads to complaining...and voila! or C) God doesn't exist and humanity made it up to find reasons to hate other people and spark complaining...
Now I bet I'm rambling now, and wasting my time and breath, but I don't care. Those of you who read this and found it relatively amusing, I give you a cookie (a spiritual one...I don't have any on me nor have means to distribute via the interbutts...) And those of you who found this annoying and unnecessary, well....fuck you! If you found it pointless then why'd you bother reading it? And yes, I said fuck you, and i will continue to say fuck you, mainly because it makes me feel good to say "fuck _____".
It creates the illusion of not caring.
Well I believe I'm done taking a dump on the internet, I just figured I'd add to the steaming pile of it and see what happens. Not that I expect anything to happen here. So many people write notes on LJ and barely 30% of the time people actually comment. Fuck, I only have like 7 friends on here anyway...oh well...
To those finding me randomly.... Fuck you too... *smiley face*