Big Bang recs

Jun 19, 2008 11:11

I love spn_j2_bigbang time. There are more fics coming out than I can possibly read and I am going to read ALL of them. I have enjoyed all of them so far but I wanted to rec two Sam and Dean GEN fics that I completely love.

The first was by lemmealone entitled "Fire or Fire", which I found so perfect, distressing and loving. It is set after a slightly AU version of season three's ending. Have a snippet:
Dean had given him a betrayed look upon waking but otherwise seemed to have forgotten the incident, for at least however long it took until they happened across Bela again. Which Sam was sure they would do, and the thought of it made his chest seize up like he was having a heart attack. She'd spoken like she could see right inside them, and she'd seen something in him that had...

He knew that he needed to remember his lost hour. He knew it, but everything in him protested against it, until it was easier to just push the matter aside and forget it. Focus on the burn of whisky down his throat and the cool glass against his palm, Bobby and Ellen at the table with him and Dean slumped on the floor at his side, sleeping with his head pillowed on Sam's thigh. Sam carded the fingers of one hand through his brother's hair, scratching lightly at his scalp, and considered what he wanted to say.
The art is also really fantastic and suits the fic so well.

The second fic is a historical AU called "And Won The Soul's Rest" set around 1400 (I think, don't quote me) where Sam is a Monk and Dean comes to see him. It is a complete reworking of the beginning of Season 1 and I think concernedlily captures the AU versions of Sam and Dean beautifully. I am going to link the art becasue I think it is an excellent representation of the fic but beware, it does contain spoilers: Art here

fic, challenge, rec, spn

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