Then there's aversion therapy, but I dunno, I've been put off that.

Apr 30, 2007 12:39

I can not stop watching the second directors cut for the next episode.  Sam looks so happy and relaxed, with easy smiles and exasperation.  Jared is a better actor than I give him credit for.  I can not wait for Friday.  I think I will weep.

A picture from Supernatural media:  SAMMY.

ETA -- clips can be downloaded

ETA 2 -- I have now watched that clip about 10 000 times.  This has caused my partner to implore, "God, give it a rest," and then to make hurtful remarks about Jared and my appreciation of his acting skills.  "But," I scream, "he's an ack-tor, he is honing his craft!."  Yeah, I find that difficult to believe too XD

pics, links, spn, jared

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