From the Ashes

Nov 18, 2007 17:41

Well Hello there, LJ peps, remember me ?

Geez, when was my last post here, like... a year ago ? Anyways, I'm back for real now, this poor lil' journal deserves more love and activity. I joined LJ, last year, because I loved all the things you could share here ( memories, feelings, arts, news ) and the ambiance is friendly. And, since Art is my life and that it is now almost impossible for me to share mine on DeviantArt ( which is actually an Art site ! ) then I decided I would be super-duper active here ! Yayz.

I'm still o0n DA, of course, but the fact that they banned me for a week and deleted half of my Gallery triggered a Emo-shunning period in me, so I shall be back there once it's over. Why I was banned ? Well, I was banned for ' Copyright Infrigment ' by a Computer, who has no real brain or eyes to see if my art was really ' stolen '. If there was a real human brain behind this, I can understand their point of view ; they delted all my Montages and Photomanipulations. Right, the pictures are not mine, but have I really ' stolen ' them ? No, because they are from Galleries were it is stated that we can take them as long as we credit, and credit them I did. But don't try to explain that, you'll receive a wonderful note with ; '' The account that suspended you and that you have tried to contact is an automatic-computer account, no one is controling it and it can not answer you. ''

It's just stupid, because DA has a lot of Un-talented Art thieves members, and when the original Artist who's art was stolen by them find it out, they have to struggle to make him/her understand what they did and ask them to delete their art, but they just don't. Then, the artist must contact an administrator of some sort, and It can take months before they decide to check out the concerned member and art. Even when the offender becomes clearly immature and insulting, the administrators remain senseless and sometimes the answer is just '' Delete this entry and uh... don't do it again '' or even '' It's just similar art, no big deal ''. These real problems are not worth their attention, of course ! It's so much cooler to just storm around some Galleries and say '' Hey, let's delete this without saying why... I just don't like it. Hey, she did not noticed we deleted her art and she uploaded it again, let's ban her ! Aren't we cool ? ''

Anyways, that's my frustrated point of view right now, heh... But it has great part of truth in it. Anyways, I'm happy to be back ! Now I shall hug you all, try to catch up a little *Eyes Friends page nervously* and expect some news from my little weirdy world.

Love, Lamina.
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