Mar 22, 2005 20:55
this i have a feeling is going to be a long one...
it all started a couple days ago, chris left the store to handle some bidness and left Eddy incharge. it was dead as it had been for a few weeks now and we were lonly on like ticket 30. well i was thristy and all we had was diet cola. well i am aelergic to what makes diet things diet and sugar-free, sugar-free i know im not the only one that is at least senstive. it has been proven that artifical sweetners cause seasures in some people. im not sure what exactly i have a problem with but i have had reactions to nutra-sweet, sacrhirine, ect. the only non sugar sweetner i can safely eat is splenda because its a sugar. we are not supposed to be able to buy sodas from up front and chris is random in his enforcement but will sometimes just be a dick and threaten writeups if you do. well i dont because im tired of his bullshit. so its me and eddy basicly and after the order about halfway through the oven the cut table will be clear so i ask him if i can go to subway and get a soda. he says sure and so i dont ass him out i wait for the stuff to come out of the oven. on the way out the door chris comes back and asks where im going and i tell him. he informs me i cant go. i tell him that not only did eddy tell me i could but all we have is diet soda and ive told you before i cant have it.
"im aelergic to what makes diet diet."
"fine go."
i get back less then 5 minutes later subway was busy and the mother fucker is sittin there with a bottle of diet pepsi and a bottle of regular. he trys to tell me they are the same. im like no they arnt. he demands i tell him exactly what im alergic to and i start to list off things i have had reactions to and as soon as i said the P word that if its in a product its at least bold and set apart usaly in a diffrent color i think its pehniline. he flips out its not in there its not in there i flat out tell him it is. he dosnt want to argue any more but im not done. i walk to the back grab a can of diet pepsi storm up front and look at him till he acknolages me pont out the bolded red text and fling the can at him. i then walk around and pull out a few more bottles pointing out immedately the offending chemical on each of the backs of the bottles. i didnt realize that on the 2l bottles it was red vs on the 20 oz it was bolded blue and i made a mistake in the color i wasnt really looking at the color so much as where it was located and didnt even look at the 2l he then changed tracks but shut up. he kept messing with me and i regaurded him coldly for the rest of the day because how dare he check up on me like that he treated me like a liar basicly said i was and then wants to act like nothing happend. fuck that. he eventiualy had to leave again and when he came back i wouldnt talk to him save for to say only what i had to. he wanted to know what i was wrong i told him i was angry at him i told him why and we got into it again and he tried to say we were argueing about the color text of the fucking bottle. well he made a comment today when my sister dropped off a pepsi "make sure that isnt diet' you know what chris bite my glorious golden ass dick head.
well terri the last maneger in my good graces pissed me off today her timeing was great because the only times i stopped working were at my break and when i was changeing gears from one job to the next the next thing i know after i got done sweeping i got called up front and was talking to the girl for a second and she says i can go home, yea my hours sucked this week but ive been tired and going homes fine with me. well she comes to me after ive called my ride (damn neons broke down) and tells me that shes sending me home because shes tired of being the only one working and that all ive done to day was stand around and talk. ill grant ive talked i always talk but i do my work and all the things i was asked to do were done and im sick of it always being my fault and im tired of being yelled at for some bullshit. fuck this and fuck them .
Moving on:
i am upset i thought at least one of the manegers recognized i worked and worked hard and im standing waiting for my ride and some motherfucker walks in and wants to talk about "why is dlivery an hour i have to come get it my self, you have all these employies just staning around ..." motherfucker no you did not. i felt my he just did not nerve be plucked and then at the same time my right hook of i dont think so started to ich as my pimp hand of mind your own damn business was ready to loose a bitch slap of rightousness. but i maneged to keep my shit tied up .
my ride gets there and im out side because im just about in tears because its like afater all ive done and all i do this is how it is. i get in the car tell my dad what happend and he wants to take this oppertunity to tell me i need to get my life in order get a real job be like him basicly. the jobs he talks about me gettting are like working in a toll booth and working for the state straight jobs. thing is thats not me. i recongize what hes saying but thats not for me. i am going to get another job as soon as i get my car fixed and i am going to find a place of my own im going to pay for singing training and then i am going to finance my album from there im not sure but that is as much of a plan as im going to get. i have desided to get my piercer certs and my bartenders licence and im sure that wont hurt me in my job search. but in the end i am the one that will have to live with the choices i make and im tired of fearing the possiblitys i will move out within the next three months just gotta find a place and some roomates.