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My journal
(no subject)
Jan 16, 2007 01:09
Okay, since Jocelyn uploaded her pictures, I felt obligated to move my ass and upload mine.
The Preparation Begins...Continues...Whatever...
Alice wants the shiny shit....NOW!!
This is your brain.
This is your brain on drugs.
Okay, someone is WAY too comfortable in their tights.
And So The Fun Begins...Again...Whatever...
Now if you're caught sitting...It is a rule...Everyone's gotta sit on you.
I'd want clarification on the final destination of that thumb.
Yay for elbow orges
...I don't know
I'm scared...
What a photogenic crowd...
Yay for tired happy people
The Aftermath...
Hello Oblivion
Take the damn picture and get me out of these shoes.
And this is when my camera experienced Alex overload and fuzzed out.
Vogue it
Yay for strategically placed boas!!
Even Frank was scared!
That's all. Hope they didn't suck too bad.
my life
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