Not that anyone cares, but I though I'd update my list of fics to update before NaNo starts in a few days.
Can't Fight the Moonlight - update posted
When Harry met Buffy update being written
Deleted Scenes (Dawn/Methos
50_Smutlets claim) not yet started, but will be
Smutty Xander Goodness (Xander Harris
50_Smutlets claim) not yet started, but will be
Death Eaters on the Hellmouth (BIG maybe on this one)not gonna get to it
Sweet Valley...Triplets? (Again, BIG maybe) not gonna get to this one eithe
By Reason of Insanity (Harry Potter/Xander Harris fic. This is the not-yet-posted story that I was supposed to write for the TTH summer fic-a-thon) first chapter posted
Basically I'm left with three fics left to update before the end of the month. Not too hard, right? Right?
Oh,and happy day. The cast is off! Of course, I'm still gonna be off work and broke for four more weeks. But no cast.