Jun 03, 2011 11:40
I think that's a new record for me. And, all three were completely separate yet still amazingly vivid. Had I detailed the dreams the moment I woke up the stories would've been much more elaborate, but meh I felt like going back to sleep. The dreams I had took place between 7am and 830am.
The first one took place in some business suit building that was relatively empty. There was some older asian man dressed dress in a white lab coat and a shopping cart filled with gallon bags full of prescription pain killers. Some were real pain killers and others were a manifestations of my dream, like there was a white oblong pill with the imprint of 1000 on it and I'm supposing that meant they were 1000mg hydrocodones or oxycodones. For boys and girls that don't know, that's gram worth of pain killer, which is probably enough to kill a gorilla or small horse. Anyways, we, random people and big bret, went down stairs and seen where the guy had dropped one of the bags and started dancing around in joyous circles...there was also some black dude there I've never met (i think). Most of the dream consisted of us gazing into the bag (like kids at Christmas starring at unopened presents) and figuring out what was there and how to split it up...or horde them from each other. When you're dealing with pills it's all the same. :P
The second dream took place in a modified version of my home where there was a mom and two daughters...and myself. The mom had short curly black hair and was a little heavy set and wore a very stressed and exhausted look on her face all the time and was a total bitch to me and her oldest daughter. The oldest daughter was always scared of her mother, and she had wavy black hair and tight, like really tight skin. I think she was just a little heavy set cause her skin was so tight on her body. I never got to see her face in the dream :/ This girl might have been anywhere from 16-19, I'm guessing. The younger daughter was like 13-16 but a few years younger than her older sister and was somewhat shorter too. She had dirty blonde hair and blue dough eyes and would run an tell her mom on the older daughter and I if we were left alone. Which would cause the mom to come running into the room screaming at us telling us how we were evil people and how much of a piece of shit the both of us were. She would threaten to kick me out of the house and threaten to beat her daughter and force her to do chores. Well, at some point I finally got alone with the oldest daughter and we fooled around...yadda yadda yadda, she left the room and her mother comes running at me (I'm pretty sure she didn't know what the oldest and I were doing) and barges in my room and catches me in the nude. I quickly pulled my pants infront of my junk and she had this look on her face of pure shock. It was so funny. So, while I'm standing there she says that I can't live there anymore and I have to leave immediately. I told her ok, and that's about where the dream ended.
The third dream started as I walked into some kinda downtown public center, except there were no true buildings. Everything was nice and polished brick and brass and kinda reminded me of a college courtyard. There was some kinda sports field with stands and a few roads that led to nowhere and a path leading to a dock. The whole area I seen couldn't have been more than a couple acres, but it was so jammed pack with outdoor public works that it felt huge and somehow spacious. The dock was at the edge of a small lake (yes, I could see the reflections off the water but didn't bother to focus on it) that was surrounded by beautifully lush forest with huge trees full of green leaves. And, there were people everywhere. I met so many people in 5mins that I simply can't remember them. All I remember is so heavy set dude talking to me then walking off with a couple dude toward the stadium bleachers.
Somewhere in the middle of this dream everyone disappeared, save for two or three people. The only one of them I remember is some chick that seemed a little older than me, but felt like my guardian angel. She was very calm and collected and so compassionate about my current state. She had black wavy hair and stood a little taller than me. She wore a brightly colored shirt that changed colors every time I looked away. It had some kinda brightly colored logos on it which I didn't really bother to look at and wore denim capris. I got scared and asked where the people went. She explained to me that this was my world and I had to create it on my own. I guess they gave me a template, because none of it was permanent and was easily manipulated if I could focus on it and visualize the change. Well, this didn't sit very well for me and I started freaking out something fierce. I started to cry and said I didn't want to be alone and I wanted the people back. She told me that they were still here and that they were busy creating their own version of this world. In an attempt to be some kinda asshole I tried to create a waterfall of gigantic proportions. She said something along the lines of, "if you mind can imagine it." I was scared of seeing a waterfall that large and pictured the waterfall being super big and scary so it didn't manifest. So, I got kinda pissed and well what about this and pointed off in the distance. One of the other people said, "What's that?" Well, it was the smoke cloud of an atomic blast. A really big one too, but really far away like 50miles away. It was so massive and pretty I thought. I remember standing real tall, like 200 feet in the air for a couple seconds and seen the blast wave racing towards us. I got scared and said, "no." I stuck my hand out in front of me gesturing the stop motion and the blast wave went white and hit us with tremendous speed, but when it got to us it felt really gentle and cool on my skin. I was engulfed by so much of the white smoke, which felt like fog at this point, that I couldn't see the other people and when it dissipated they were gone. I must've went unconscious cause I just started creating my reality after that with no qualms. All I remember is there were lots of people's lives I had to direct at one time for a bit, but once things became...programmed? they went along on their own with no need for my interference. The few things I remember is a san fransico style road, the kind with the really steep angles, with a couch off to the side and a flat screen tv floating in the air. Another one I remember is a little blond headed boy playing with a yellow tonka dump truck off to the side on the concrete walkway where I had entered the dream. He was partially surrounded by 3' concrete pylons, like the kind that are outside Target, except these were blue or yellow (depended on the moment). And I remember trying to download...music, I think, but the connection was bogged down by all the other users in the area. It was at this point, that I got to see all the portraits, year book style with everyone's picture side by side, of all the other people that were creating their on version of this particular reality. There must've been hundreds of them. Seeing their faces made me feel so connected and not alone, which even with all the people I created in my little world...I felt like since I created them they weren't as real as the people I didn't create (if that makes sense) and that made me feel all alone. But, like I said, seeing those portraits put me at ease...and that's when I woke up.