Aug 05, 2004 16:35
went out to jamaoke last night. it proved to be quite an odd evening. seems to be happening to me alot when ever im around Tia. tho in this case it doesnt really relate to her. this woman named kate has been bugging me for about 6 weeks to get up and sing, so finialy I got annoyed and said fine, ill get up and sing. then you can stop irritating me. so my song request got handed in. the musicians went on break. mat got his mandolin and got it all tuned up. was all happy. kate got mad and left. litteraly 5 minutes before I got up to sing. so ok, her son tony was there as well. I was going to get him to take a picture of me on stage w/the band for bonnie since shes been bugging me for a pic lately. not that I blame her. ive changed ALOT physicaly in the last few months. anyways. he got angry at Tia, essentialy freaked out on her and left, about a minute after his mother left. this did NOT sit well with me. 1) thats the second promise he has broken to me. and 2) its just generaly not healthy to call people I care about the things he was calling her.
anyways. they left, I sang, catherine and Tia witnessed so next time kate bugs me about it im going to tell her where to go and the most effiecient way to get there. otherwise the rest of the night was fun. had a very good time at jamaoke.
Tia was recording a demo cd for her audition tonight. I watched part of her recording on monday and I asked her how many copies of the demo cd she was making. she asked if I wanted one, which I did so I got one last night when I got to jamaoke :) I now am the happy owner of my own Tia cd. now it is well known that the easiest way to influence my emotional state is to do it thru music. this cd sooths me alot. makes me quite happy. and I think she was happy that I asked for one to begin with. *shrug*
it was a very good evening last night, even tho the day sucked slime. stayed out later than I probably should have but it was oh so worth it. had a hugely boring day at work today. another one of those situations where its hurry up and wait. c'est la vie.