Harry Potter in the news

Jul 09, 2014 09:29

So, this morning, amongst football results and bombing reports, the very reputed radio station I listen to every day decided to do a short piece on Harry Potter's return during their 8 o'clock news.

They explained that despite regular new content on Pottermore, there hadn't been anything about Harry himself for a long time etc, and then reported, with the most baffling serious that Harry Potter was about to get a divorce.

I got irrationally angry and started to shout my outrage at my bowl of cereals about this blatant disinformation. I even tweeted at the station that they had ridiculously misunderstood JKR, which was expectedly useless.

And then, on the way to work, I thought it over and yes, it's quite obvious that they haven't just misunderstood the article, but that they just haven't read it. Which I should have known, after all. Also, I realised that the thing that had really made me angry was that it's a station a lot of people listen to, and that a lot of these people don't know anything about Harry Potter and that they'll just take this information at face value.

My thought at this point was that I obviously couldn't trust anything these journalists ever told me about anything.

And...isn't that exactly the point? The point JKR made when she created Rita Skeeter? That you should always question what you read/hear/see in the media?

This new content on Pottermore might not really matter in term of canon, or the story or anything, but I do believe that the fact that JKR is still reminding me of this lesson she taught me when I was a kid, and is still teaching it now...that matters.

real life, hp

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