Joyeux Noël! Joyeux Noël à tous!

Dec 27, 2012 22:15

So happy holidays to people who care and happy end of year for the others!

Things are rather hectic at my home with the whole family (+my sister's bf and babies) under the same roof. It's been a while since we've been so many at my parents', and I'm telling you, I didn't mind not knowing what it was like sleeping in the room closest to the small children's.

I'm getting behind in my reading of thehd_holidays, but I got my gift on the 15th, and it's just the most wonderful thing ever! Go ogle it and leave a comment.

The Merlin finale has left me quite gutted. The episode itself, yes, but just the fact that it's ending... I've got to think about it the least possible if I want to enjoy the holidays, I guess.

But Doctor Who is back, and I got a new wristwatch and a toaster for Christmas, so yay!

Hope you're all having the most joyous time!


life outside the internet, gift

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