HP Fic rec: Disorganised Crime, by anonymous

Jul 18, 2012 11:19

Title: Disorganised Crime
Characters: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: ~6K
Summary: In Muggle London, heroes end up in jail.

This fic was written for my prompt at hp_friendship and is a real delight. It focuses on the friendship between Harry and Neville, and is just perfectly perfect, and everything I've ever wanted.

It's really funny (I actually laughed out loud several times while reading it) and its characterisations of Neville and Harry are to die for. Neville, particularly...*sigh*. This fic can show you all the reasons I love him better than I ever could.

And the conversations they have are so realistic, too. The writing is very simple and to-the-point and is just there to serve the characters.

I really love this and wish with all my heart that everybody would read it and comment and rec and everything!

fic rec, neville, harry, hp

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