abused house wife or derby girl?

Jul 17, 2007 01:21

so it is now about 1:30 in the AM and i'm just now walking in the door from roller derby practice.
derby makes me feel like i'm in heaven.
i have awesome friends there.
and i feel like i'm somewhat good at something.
i know i suck. but i'm getting there.
i'm not a good blocker.
and i've never made it thru the pack as a jammer.
but at this moment ive got 3 really nice sized bruises on me and about 10 more that are just like ouch.
and i somewhat dont care.
it hurts, but its o so worth it.
its a sport.
an actual, physical, full contact sport.
and i'm decent at it.
well, getting there.

so all that being said, our next event is on july 26th
aka next thursday.
comeout. visit me. watch me bust my ass. meet my friends. find out what roller derby is.
it starts at 8pm.
there will be pillow fights and roller jousting, team trivia, wheres the skater and much much more.
and it would me the world to me if some of yall came out.
tickets are free in advance. but $5 at the door.
so just tell me your coming and i'll get you a ticket.

roller derby is my life.
and i'm loving it.

and yes, eventually i will wise up and get a real life.
but i'm loving this one.
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