Playing A Five Card Game:

May 28, 2007 21:07

Title: Playing A Five Card Game
Author: Caddieneko
Pairing/Characters: Rufus/Cloud
Rating: R for sexual undertones, but, uh no descriptive sex since Caddie's a wimp.
Disclaimer: Cloud, Rufus, Zack, The All Might General Sephiroth, and anyone else associated with Final Fanatsy VII are owned by Square.
Summary: Three small drabbly things pulling from different times in Cloud's Shinra career, one drabble after it, and one drabble before it.
A/n: Finally, I get to write something Rufus/Cloud related! I don't particularly like the last drabble, and I've found that I can't write Rufus very well, nor Cloud for that matter. Also, my skills in html suck, so I'm sorry about the bad lj-cutting. I'll try to fix it.

When Cloud was younger, he was never really liked. Cloud knew it could have been from a number of things: the way his small frame made him perfect for bullying, how his features differed from the rest of the town’s people, or even how he was the only child of a woman whose husband had left before Cloud had been born.

Regardless, Cloud vowed at a young age to prevent his own children from ever feeling what he did everyday; a vow that no child should ever have to make. Maybe that was why he started looking at Tifa just a little bit differently.

The way she was so nice to him. How she never joined in on the teasing, choosing to just watch. Soldier. He’d make her watch him for different reasons. No, when he became one, then his whole town would be forced to watch.


Signing his name on the last paper, tying his life to the Shinra company for an indefinite amount of time, Cloud wasn’t expecting the poke to his shoulder. Startled, Cloud flinched.

“Hey, sorry about this, but you’re perfect!”

Cloud frowned at the stranger in front of him, clutching the clipboard close to him as if it would protect him.

“Zack Fair, Soldier First Class, and you’re going to get me out of trouble with my superiors. Hope you don’t mind,” Zack pulled Cloud to his feet, ignoring all protests from Cloud. The clipboard was wrestled out of the blond’s hands and all but thrown on to the counter where the secretary looked appalled at the two men.

The Soldier pulled Cloud along to the door and in to the corridor. “Okay, here’s the plan: you’re going to explain to General Sephiroth that I had no part in flooding the Soldier barracks because I was showing you around. Got that?”


Zack had made him late again. Cloud knew he needed to talk to his friend about this. His drill instructor became more and more impatient with each late arrival. Cloud could only imagine what his punishment would be today.

The Soldier barracks were empty at this time of day, and Cloud used that to his advantage and ran. Zack had offered to write a note, but the suggestion always made Cloud grimace. Writing a note sounded like something his mom would do.

Cloud waited for the elevator doors to open, tapping his feet impatiently. He was about to take the stairs when the elevator doors did open, allowing him to get inside the car.

When the doors slid open again for his floor, Cloud bolted to his class.

Rufus Shinra watched through a pane of glass from his seat on an upper level as Cloud Strife ran to join his drill class in the gym. Rude stood behind him. “And to think that one day this all shall be mine,” Rufus stated, complete boredom expressed in his posture, as he watched the late cadet run laps.


Cloud wanted this to stop. He wanted a lot of things that Rufus wasn’t going to comply with.

Rufus’ knew how to manipulate; he had been doing it since he was younger and he wasn’t about to stop anytime soon. Cloud wriggled underneath him, and all Rufus had to do to make him stop was say one name: Zack.

Normally, Rufus would leave his victim alone after the first time. However, Cloud was far too enjoyable like this. Sweating underneath him, completely powerless but still trying to fight. It was a direct display of disobedience which Rufus thoroughly enjoyed.

Leaning into the mattresses, keeping Cloud’s arms pinned, Rufus decided to still the blond beneath him. “You can leave, but just remember what I’ll have done to Zack.” The threat was empty, since Zack was a Soldier First Class, but Cloud would never realize that until it was too late.


Cloud was really Rufus’s last chance. The remnants would be approaching him soon for Jenova’s neck, and Rufus knew he needed to be prepared. Yes, Cloud was not only his last chance, but his best one.

Cloud was his, damn it. He didn’t have a choice of what side he was on unless it was the winning one; the same side Rufus was on.

X-posted to my own journal
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