Today's <3-day...

Feb 14, 2007 18:00


And now since I've spammed your friends' page... click here!!!

Isn't that amazing?

I came home sick today because on Monday I ate some bad pasta sauce and on Tuesday I felt gross and threw up (in Danielle's toliet, because we were having a snow day partaaaay and trying on beautiful dresses for WPA which is March 1st) and today my stomach was still cramping and I felt an underlying sense of nausea.

So I came home, watched Beauty and the Beast but only made it halfway through before I fell asleep for the next four hours. It was terrific. And I feel much healthier now. Except, I haven't eaten anything since breakfast at about 6:00 AM so I haven't eaten in 12 hours. But I like the lack of pudgy-stomach... hmmphs. Anyway.

-The Carmen
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