Song thingie.

Jul 25, 2006 03:40

Hardly anyone does these for me anyway, but it is 3:36 AM and my digestive system is rebelling and I can't go back to sleep. Joy.

And Ctrl+W closes windows. I discovered this because I missed trying to do Ctrl+C.

Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is cheating. no cheating, please!

01. "Times are strange, we got a free upgrade for..."
02. "Are you gonna live your life wondering..."
03. "A house on fire, a wall of stone..."
04. "In the distance she saw me coming 'round..."
05. "Your golden skies feed my role..."
06. "I just want to be safe in my own skin..."
07. "Where is the moment when we need it the most..."
08. "There was a time when I could breath my life in you..."
09. "It's only forever, not long at all..."
10. "It's funny how a man only thinks about the..."
11. "It’s been two years this month since the last time we spoke..."
12. "It's a good year for a murder..."
13. "Well, I got a friend who's a man..."
14. "Rachel left home last night..."
15. "You let me violate you..."
16. "Don't hold yourself life that..."
17. "The sun just slipped its note below my door..."
18. "Elevator! Going up!"
19. "You turn on a spindle..."
20. "Sappy pathetic little me..."

I am still bored and not tired (because I was awakened) so here's a bonus round which isn't really a BONUS round. Just another 20. XD

21. "There's a place off ocean avenue..."
22. "So listen up, I worked in daylight..."
23. "Remember our first love?"
24. "Hey little sister what have you done?"
25. "What gives you the right to fuck with our lives?"
26. "It takes a lot to be always on form..."
27. "You are the latest contender..."
28. "I love your skin oh so white..."
29. "I'm tongue tied, waiting, hoping and praying..."
30. "I turning, twisting in my bed just laying down..."
31. "I awoke the dawn, saw horses growing out the lawn..."
32. "I'm on a mission I made my decision..."
33. "In the day by day collision..."
34. "And all our sins come back to haunt us in the end..."
35. "What is this song all about, can't figure any lyrics out..."
36. "Soarin', flyin', there's not a star in heaven we can't reach..."
37. "Sat outside my front window..."
38. "I served out my sentence..."
39. "I've been thinking about my doorbell..."
40. "Make your way down the face of everything we know..."

In the 2nd half, two of the same artists are in a row. O.o My iPod is funny.

And I had to skip 10 songs (I'm at 50 on my shuffled songs, not 40) because some were from Dane Cook or Foamy or had no lyrics. XD

I am surprised I got mostly good songs I like. Because out of 2802 songs, what are the chances? :D

Anyway, DO IT! I am going to bed because my bowels aren't growling anymore. Yay!

-The Carmen
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