VP Debates

Oct 02, 2008 19:45

First off, small note: INVENTORY IS OVER! Life can go back to "normal" now.... right?


First off, I am still watching them, so reviewing live... :D

Sarah Palin. I am surprised that she is holding her own quite a bit better than I expected.
But lady... I need you to open a book. The United States is MORE than just Alaska. Discussing her record over and over is lovely, but she has no national congressional record to site. (a weakness to her candidacy) so maybe instead of pointing to her record so much and then blabbing about Alaska she should talk about issues, plans, ideas and solutions; not just Alaska. Sorry Alaskans....
So, I am discussing issues I like mostly... ie: issues that matter more to me.

Climate change:
Ignorance to science = we don't know the cause??? (Palin) not knowing the cause, she talks about wanting to correct but... oh, no plan how to... (unless its natural gas purchased from Alaska...)
Science = its man made (Biden) who then talks about knowing what causes it, knowing how to start correcting it.

Same Sex Benefits:
Palin: "I am tolerant" but if it leads to allowing two gay men to get married, forget it!
Does not seem like tolerance at all!
Biden: "Obama and I don't support gay marriage"
Yes... I am voting Nader!

Foreign Policy:
I was eager to hear this as Biden knows Foreign Policy and apparently Palin knows... well, Alaska.
Palin states that Obama is not ready to be commander and chief and that Biden said so as well... Okay... well look in the mirror also lady. Are you?

McCain/Palin now have a passion for diplomacy. Biden makes a really valid point, that there isn't a lot of point to diplomacy if they're unwilling to sit down and talk to "enemies" and even some "allies." Diplomacy does not mean sitting about and chatting with only our allies, our friends... its about making a peaceful resolve with those we are having a conflict with. So passion for diplomacy...? humm....

Biden on Israel: Thats the debate I was looking for! Intelligent and specific; details given not just trite generalizations.
Palin's response on Israel... 'No, he's not right, but I love Israel too!'
Biden: "I haven't heard how his (McCain) policy on Iraq/Israel/Afghanistan/etc differs from George Bush's" :) "What is past is prologue" -> Shakespeare quote used by Biden that I enjoyed enough to think it was worth mentioning.

Biden's record of being an interventionist:
This topic was brought up in an odd way, "does the American public have the stomach for it?" I think Biden has answered VERY VERY well. Talking about pros and cons if you will. We may need to use military intervention, yes. Not for random wars, to stop genocide.
In direct response- Palin admits she is an Washington outsider and talks about her in Alaska again.
His response to the question was specific and detailed, her's was not. It was generalization again.

What would you do if it did become a Biden/Palin Administration not a Obama/McCain Administration.
Biden: Faired well. 1) He stated it would become a national tragedy and 2.) He agrees with his running mate and would want to support his policies followed by a brief overview of the things a Obama/Biden win.
Palin: Not terrible. 1) Same sort of mention and 2) She doesn't always agree with her running mate. That could be questionable in terms of a stable partnership.

Palin on McCain "he is the man that we need to leave--- lead." Well, she said it.

Both of them overall: "John McCain says...." or "Barack Obama said...." Dude, its your debate. Shame on both of you, I know you are running mates, but stand up and talk for yourselves! Typical for a VP debate, regardless its my LJ, its my opinion, its not what I would like to see.

Biden::: TOTAL FAILURE! He at some point mentioned Home Depot. FUCK!

politics, election 2008

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